If you don't know already,
Queensland is in a state of disaster.
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In the aftermath of Toowoomba's flash flooding yesterday, the Premier Anna Bligh announced that the forecast for Brisbane is looking grim, with the prediction for floods equal or exceeding the
great flood of 1974. Not only is the heavy constant rainfall contributing to the river's high tides, the Wivenhoe Dam is at 175% capacity and Somerset Dam at 160%, so
flood releases will be ramped up. Both dams are upstream from Brisbane city. The death toll is currently officially at 8 people, with 54 missing.
There was an emergency meeting at work this morning and it was announced that anyone living in a high risk zone or anyone who would have their route home cut off by flood waters should go home. I did and enroute watched the swollen river waters streak past, carrying logs and other debris. An institute wide email went out at work later this afternoon, saying that work will be shut tomorrow as well, so we have been preparing for the worst.
We live within the identified high risk flood zone, so while we live in an upper storey apartment and have enough supplies to last 3-4 days (forecasted power outage is 5 days), we have packed our essentials and papers, in case we're called to evacuate the area.
To those who have offered their prayers and thoughts to us, thank you so much. It's going to be a hard 2 days and this will definitely trump our
flood experience in Nov 2008. I probably won't be on LJ as much as I am on Twitter - currently re-tweeting Queensland flood related news, so feel free to
add me. Power may get cut later tonight, so we may become non-contactable.
Also if you feel at all inclined, please support the
Queensland Flood Appeal.
To those in Perth who are affected by the bushfires, I wish we could send our water to you to fight the fires. Be safe and evacuate if need be.
To those in New South Wales who are now experiencing the rainfall we have the past week, you're in our thoughts. Please be safe and take whatever precautions you need to.
To those who live in Queensland, stay safe with your families.