Sep 24, 2005 13:49
i cant believe holloween is coming so soon. im so excited not only bc im being sally 4 holloween but maybe some1 will invite me to go w/them. nicole h. has asked me to go 2 reynoldsburg w/ her and her friends. if i go i want my kyle to go 2 if hes allowed. i am so upset that we like eachother but people are disliking us bc of this. its so hard bc this is a first for me. im not used to boys liking me back and if they do they just want me for a 3 letter word. kyle makes me feel so different then my only 2 bfs. maybe bc i didnt know them for very long b4 i started dating them. i thought that what i was feeling when i was w/james was love but kyle makes me feel beyond what i felt for edd and james! its so wierd esp bc i could never imagine such a great and very cute guy liking me back, of course there are kinks in the whole thing but when are there ever not. i would love to go out w/ him but would be terrified if it were to ruin our friendship. i hav