Fandom : Oxenfree
Personnages/Pairing : Alex et Clarissa.
Rating : G
Titre : Habitation
Disclaimer : A Night School Studio
Note : /!\ SPOILERS sur la fin du jeu /!\ | Ecrit sur le prompt "Little pins and needles in your mind. Like licking a battery." - Malin Rydé lancé par
oximore pendant le marathon prompt du 02/05/20.
Alex was looking at Clarissa, with her eyes full of this strange mix of guilt, anguish and relief. She had a lingering feeling that things could have gone completely differently, that Clarissa’s presence was somehow faint. Anxious to break the awkward silence, Alex finally asked:
“So… how does it feel?”
Clarissa looked at her in silence. Calm and quiet, nothing like what she had been at first.
“Little pins and needles in your mind. Like licking a battery.” She finally answered in an eerie voice that sounded off to Alex.
Then, more to herself:
“But I’ll get used to it.”