my new phone ❤ Galaxy Note II

Dec 08, 2012 22:12

time for a lighter post...! after 2.5 years, i finally have a new phone!

i know i know, you might be thinking "2.5 years? is that supposed to be a long time??" but seriously, phones aren't made like they used to be at smartphones are not meant to have a lifespan of more than 3 years at the most! and besides, my new phone is


Samsung Galaxy Note II

i've waited for 4 months for this phone and after several hurdles i finally have it! w00t! if you don't already know about the Galaxy Note II and care to find out more about it, you can do so [ here ]. i could go into a long spill about my first impressions of the phone, but then i'd just come off as a noob/geek and i'm sure a million other people have already done it better than i could anyway. :P i will say one thing, though. one of the things that concerns most ppl about the phone is its size because it is bigger than your average phone. for this reason, i took some comparison photos that i posted elsewhere.

Galaxy Note II with my old HTC Legend

compared to my HTC Legend it looks massive, but the Legend isn't exactly an average size phone by today's smartphone standards. the phone only really looks unusually big when you hold it up to your ear and talk on it.

but who cares? :P if you really do care, use the provided headphones (or any other headphones) which have an in-line microphone and you won't even have to put the phone to your ear. or buy a bluetooth headset. :P

in other words, my conclusion re: people's concern about size is:


in closing, here are three photos of my cats that i jazzed up using a application called "Paper Artist" that's included with the phone.

p.s.: if you have an Android phone and are interested in customizing it, check out [ this video ]!

photos, stuff, cats, w00t

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