30 Day Memes: Day 15

Oct 15, 2010 21:06

30 Day Meme: JAPAN

DAY 15 - Weirdest food item you've seen, and weirdest food item you've actually eaten.

weirdest food i've seen.... i don't know. a lot of things that i would have classified as "weird as fk" before going to Japan aren't so weird to me anymore. i guess natto and horse meat are things that i'll always classify as "weird" or "disgusting". ah, and sea urchin. disgusting. >_>; if this was about Australia i'd say vegemite. :P

weirdest food i've actually eaten... well, i did eat a tiny bit of natto and found that it's as disgusting and weird as it looks.... do "omgthelittlefishies" (= "chirimenjako" btw) count?


DAY 15 - A fanfic

i'll do even better, i'll tell you two awesome fanfic series.

"The Murder Saga" + "Running With The Moon"

both Gundam Wing (<333333!!!!) fanfics by the same author and both series that i've followed for years and years, that's how on-going and awesome they are. i think i first discovered "The Murder Saga" in 2003....? maybe even as far back as 2002. i've emailed the author in the past praising her work but maybe i should do it again. <3

japan, fanfics, food, meme

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