surya namaskar no.2 Originally uploaded by
nighstar there is much disagreement among photographers, professional and otherwise, over "post processing" (tweaking photos after they are taken).
there are those who believe that photos are best left as captured by the camera (ie. as close to reality as possible), preferring only minor touch-ups like cropping, sharpening, etc.
there are those who fully embrace and utilize programs like Photoshop, believing that post processing photos is just as important a part of digital photography as darkrooms are for film photography.
and there are those who post process their photos to such an extent that some photographers are of the opinion that such photos can no longer be considered photography, but rather another form of art all together.
when you take photos, how much do you post process?
your own photography aside, what kind of photos do you often find most pleasing too look at? photos straight out of a camera? jazzed up photos? clearly photoshopped photos?
where do your tastes lie when it comes to photography?
p.s. the above photo is not "post" processed; it is straight out of my camera. all processing was done in-camera.
is that the same as post processing/photoshopping in your opinion?