Jan 16, 2010 21:07
so... MYC (mid-year conference) is finally over and things will be getting back to normal work-wise... which isnt really a good thing imho. >_>; starting monday it'll be back to the usual routine: mon + tues = Misato JHS = sitting at my desk doing whatever; weds + thurs = random ES = stupid Eigo Noto (textbook); fri = Namegawa JHS, the only school worth looking forward to. i'm really not looking forward to getting back into such a routine... u_u;
in the mean time, i'm keeping myself distracted with future travel plans, as usual. in a month (*sobs*) i'll be going to Osaka (+Kobe?) with David before he leaves on the 20th, but looking beyond that i'm already trying to plan trips to Brisbane to visit him. :] i'm on the fence as to whether i'll go during Golden Week because it would be 80,000yen for only a 1 1/2 weeks there... perhaps it would be better to go somewhere cheap (most likely within Japan) to save money? eitherway, i'm aiming to go to Brisbane for around 3 weeks in August. :) but if i dont visit until August that would mean going almost half a year without seeing David again. :'[
sigh sigh. eitherway, i need to store away every yen i can for the rest of my time here and i need to come up with a plan to do that.
does anyone know a cure for shopaholicism???