[ADIML] September 13th, 2009

Sep 14, 2009 23:54

my second ADIML entry. D; (for those of you who don`t know what ADIML is, click & read.)

this is my day yesterday through photos, which by the way was no average sunday, which is why i did the ADIML in the first place. D; i went to Nahari, a small town in eastern Kochi Prefecture, on a tour aimed at local foreign residents and locals alike.

as always, questions, comments etc are welcome.

6:54am: waayyy too early to get up on a sunday, urgh.
dragged myself out of my futon to do laundry...

while the laundry machine did its thing, i ate just enough to not die before lunch as i wasn`t feeling well...
Star Trek was on, cool.

when the laundry machine is done, i hang out my laundry before leaving.

time check: gah! it`s later than i`d hoped.

inside a local tram/train...

...and then finally inside the tour bus. we left on schedule at 9am.

baibai Kochi City.

random window shot.

time check: almost 10am and still not there!

random window shot.

random window shot.

the bus finally arrives in Nahari.
we all stumble out and down a street to our first destination.

destination 1: Fujimura Silk Mill, which was once a leading producer of silk in the world.

not only did we get to tour the silk mill, but we also got to see an art exhibition at the same time.




...an old lady leading the tour said that back during the war they ate silk worms...


a tour guide explains:
"whatever it is i`m doing, that`s what the machine did."

"again, whatever it is i`m doing = machine did."

time check: time to leave this part of the mill.

in the next building, there are more exhibits.
this one, kinda... yeah.


cool. :]


afterwards, we go back outside.
this is the side of one of the mill`s warehouses.

back onto the bus to go elsewhere...

elsewhere = where lunch is!

handmade onigiri! 8)

fried veggie-things and a local specialty, fried katsuo (a type of fish).

we also got to see one of the local specialties, katsuo tataki (a type of sashimi) made!
i shall spare you the gruesome photos.

after the katsuo had been cut and salted, it was put over an open flame briefly.
only the outer part of the fish is cooked, the inside is still raw.

straight off the fire, the fish is sliced and then seasoned with the juice of a local citrus fruit (yuzu).
it is then plated before a drooling audience.

there was other food as well.
such as this fried shrimp from the local river which is eaten whole.

time check: time for my coral reef cruise!

aboard the little boat, there is a glass floor in the center for coral viewing.

lotsa sky along the way.

water too, of course.

we got to see some coral, but the tide was high and the water merky. :[

once we got back on land, we were taken to our next destination.
destination 2: Hamada Residence, a traditional Japanese home.

around the side of the house, this little frog gave us all a good show.

the side of the residence`s storehouse.
i really should show you a proper full photo of this as it is a type of architecture special to Kochi, but i like these angles too much.

inside the house itself was beautiful...
even the ceiling of the entrance (genkan).

even what served as ventilation between rooms was artistic.


the garden was nice as well.

a screen...

we left the Hamada Residence and headed for our next destination.
destination 3: Takadaya, a resthouse in another of the town`s heritage sites/buildings.

here, some girls get the chance to wear yukatas (a traditional summer outfit).

time check: -insert something here-.

lots of games are played!

we even get the pleasure of hearing about a traditional wedding ceremony that took place in the house recently.
the father of the bride even performed the song he sang at his daughter`s procession. :3

more games, yaaay~

this is a common/traditional... comical performance of which i have forgotten the name.
two people work together to act as one: one person being the hands, the other the victim.

goldfish say "sayounara" as we leave.
baibai! <3

the bus arrives to take us home.

first we have a bathroom break at the local JR station before saying goodbye to Nahari.

time check: window shots of the long ride back didn`t make the final cut. :[

upon arriving back in the city, i got the bus driver to drop me off near my apartment.

meh @ real life spam in my mailbox.

time to bring in the laundry before going back out...

...to buy stuff for dinner at a local grocery store.

6:30pm: i get home just in time to catch a childhood fav on tv.

after an hour of Sailor Moon, i start working on dinner...

time check: finally i sit down to eat dinner, a very yummy stew. ^-^

a bit later, i look for a potential new laptop.

it`s getting late, time to put up the rest of dinner...
wonder how many days this`ll last me?

shower time.

bedtime, with two alarms set for the morning.

it was SO hard to get this down to 70 photos... D; and then i accidentally resized all the photos into an icky photo quality, booo.

adiml, photos, traveling, kochi

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