Sep 05, 2009 14:31

2009/10/24 (sat) ・ 25 (sun)

"In 2009 JAPAN will set its attention to the WORLD!
We proudly present this year’s Festival of Festivals!
In October 2009 more than 50 artists will participate
in the world’s largest visual-kei festival ever…V-ROCK!"

website: [ japanese ] || [ english ]

キタ━━━( ´∀`)・ω・) ゚Д゚)・∀・) ̄ー ̄)´_ゝ`)ノД`)・゚・。━━━!!!!!

THERE IS NO ENGLISH EQUIVALENT! D; OMGW00T!!!!! might come close.

i first saw the commercial for this festival about a month ago and since then i`ve been waiting for tickets to go on sale... i seized tickets for both days as soon as they went on sale this morning. >:] it was an epic battle with Lawsons' shitty website server that cant handle a massive surge of traffic. D; I`M SO EXCITED!!! yes, i touched my savings to buy the tickets. ;-; but 20,000yen! i`ll just put the money right back come payday. >_>; the tickets couldn`t wait that long! >_<;;

the festival is on the weekend... thank god because it`s all the way in goddamn Tokyo! >_<;;; and i didn`t request nenkyuu (paid leave) in advance so i probably wont be able to take any... SO, how the hell am i going to get from Kochi and back without missing any work??? glad you didn`t ask, cause i`ve already figured it out and i`m going to tell you anyway.

23rd (fri)
- after work, catch the only bus to Tokyo at 8:34pm
24th (sat)
- get to Tokyo at 7:20am, eat something to avoid dying and then head to the festival grounds
- spend the night in some cheapass hostel
25th (sun)
- check out of cheapass hostel
- FESTIVAL FROM 11AM!! but leave early. :`[
- catch the only bus to Kochi at 8:35pm
26th (mon)
- get back to Kochi at 7:21am and go straight to work!!

two nights of sleep on a bus and going straight to work off the bus! horrible, but it`s the only way! D; lulz, i`ll be so dead on my feet that monday... hopefully the JTEs of Misato will understand. D;


concert, w00t

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