project 猫ねんど-- GO!!!

Apr 27, 2009 16:50

so, months ago i bought a book somewhere (in Tokushima??) called 「ねここね:はじめての猫ねんど」. basically, the book shows you how to make clay cat figurines like shown below. i may have mentioned it here after buying it... >.>

when i found it in the bookstore i was like !!!! and i've been really wanting to get started with this book since then, but it's just been collecting dust... until now! i have decided that since i have absolutely not plans for Golden Week, which starts next week, i will use next week as an opportunity to start since i will have lots of free time on my hands. it would be nice if i had some form of entertainment besides DDR and babysitting someone else`s cat (more on this when i`m less lazy) and GW just seems perfect.

so, next week....! starting next week hopefully you`ll get to see some photos of my first 猫ねんど. 8) お楽しみね。

just to end this entry on a meh note, i got to Kera JHS this morning only to find out that there is no school today and no one told me. i had just gotten off the bus and was almost at the school when a teacher who happened to drive past me backed up and told me. believe me, i am one ANNOYED ALT. shortly after arriving at the BOE (where i found out i`m not the only ALT being left in the dark about things) the vice principal (god i love her) called to apologize. thank you vice principle lady, you are so awesome i love you-- but seriously, YOU shouldn`t be apologizing. it was not your responsibility to tell me. i hope you straighten out the JTEs, though. >:[ me and Kera have not started this school year on the right foot.

stuff, kera, trying new things, books, cats, arts&crafts

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