today is vernal equinox....! SPRING IS FINALLY HERE!!! omg *wipes dramatic tears from eyes* omg i made it thru another treacherous winter in japan (and still have atleast 1 more to go, ogod).....! *dramaic sob* thank tomato god it`s over!!!
today was a beautiful day, so i couldnt resist doing some biking around the city. i decided to bike to AEON (the mall), even though it has always been dangerous for me to go there when i`m trying to save money... and today was no exception. D; i decided to take a more scenic route there that i`ve never taken before. i took a little street that follows the river behind my apartment almost all the way to AEON. it was nice, although i`m sure the drivers didn`t much care for me since there was no sidewalk or anything. not like that`s anything unusual, though. D; the only thing that sucked about it was that the street was raised and away from buildings and stuff and it was a little windy earlier today, so i had to fight against the wind a lot. >.>; i spent too much money at AEON, as always... but nothing i bought was out of impulse, so that`s atleast good? i got some much needed new socks, 2 awesome books that ive had my eye on, a new crystal to add to my ever growing collection & a new CD by a group i`d never previously heard of before, but i sampled the CD in the store and it was awesome. prob will be listening to that for the rest of the night. expect to possibly be spammed about it sometime. D;
*sigh* i didn`t really update at all this week... let`s see... the only things worth mentioning are:
- wednesday, my last day of teaching at Otsu JHS, went well. i made fudge brownies with English Club as a last activity with them, and it went smoothly. the kids had fun and got to take home 2 brownies each and there were leftovers, so i had the kids give them to teachers of their choosing. the teachers who got the brownies loved em. yay. ^_^
- the 2nd years, soon to be 3rd years at Kera JHS... i`m kinda worried about teaching them as 3rd years, because there are several kids who are already pretty bad students as it is and i know they`re likely to get worse next year lol... Kera really need to be more stern with it`s students. -_-;
- i got a ps2 tuesday! :D it`s a cute (yes it`s CUTE) lil white one. D; i havent played it much yet for various reasons, but over the next 2 days i intend to play it a fair amount. i hope my neighbors won`t be home lol.
this week wasn`t a bad week, especially since i only had 3days of actually working lol. for the next 2 weeks i`ll be at the BOE everyday except for this tuesday. tuesday i will be going to Otsu for the last time for closing ceremony... ;-; i`m going to have to say a few final words on the stage.... i hope i can keep a straight face. ^^;; twill be a sad day... cleaning out my desk and saying goodbye. :[ hopefully i`ll get some photos out of the day atleast. other than that, at the BOE i need to study lots over the next 2 weeks... i also need to change hosting for my site, which i have never done before... i`m worried about that particularly because my site uses a SQL database, and i have no idea how to move that without breaking things... anyone have a clue and care to share? ^^;;
anyway, for now i`m going to eeennnjjoooyy my weekend much. ^-^;