ABCs of Music
List your favorite bands from A to Z.
A. Air
B. Beborn Beton
D. Daft Punk
E. E-rotic
F. Freezepop
G. GReeeeN (グリーン)
H. Hotel Saint George
I. Ilona Mitrecey
J. Justice
L. Ladytron
M. Malice Mizer (マリス・ミゼル)
N. Nobuo Uematsu (植松伸夫)
O. Orbital
P. Poitrine (ポワトリン)
Q. Quicksilver, DJ [huurr this isnt cheating D;]
R. Röyksopp
S. Sound Horizon
U. U96
V. VNV Nation
W. Wumpscut
X. X-perience
Y. Yuki Kajiura (梶浦由記)
Z. Zero 7
this was kinda hard... D; especially X and Q. i have too many fav artists whose name starts with F... it was hard to pick only one. :[
today`s school lunch: miso soup stuff, rice, tsukemono, fried fish, demon beans/fukumame & milk. i got extra tsukemono because so much was going to be wasted and i like the stuff. also, i must be getting the hang of eating fish with bones still intact... i practically finished off my 2 pieces of bone-filled fish today, wooooo. D;