wow, today was unusually productive for a monday. i hope that means good things for the rest of the week.
today i:
- opened an account with Japan Post/ゆうちょ銀行
- finally mailed aussie presents to my family
- bought tickets to the Yoshida Brothers concert
- picked up 完全マスター漢字 日本語能力試験1級レベル
- and managed to halfassedly nudge the head JTE at Otsu about dropping English club come April for an English bulletin board instead.
omg, did you know that Japan Post/ゆうちょ銀行 gives you the option of making a debit card for your 通常貯金 account for free? a debit card! in japan! i wonder if it`s really debit..., i shouldn`t have a debit card for an account that`s meant for saving money. i think i just fucked myself over by signing up for one lmao. >_>;;;
anyway, i decided last year that i wanted to take photos of the school lunches that i eat mon-thurs, so i started today. i`ll be taking the photos on a low setting of my cellphone, so they wont be anything great but you can see what i eat for lunch almost everyday. :P
today`s lunch: tsukemono, nikujaga, rice w/ furikake and milk.
random sidenote: i can`t believe Gackt is coming to Kochi. Kochi. Gackt. that`s like wtf. i didn`t even see any advertisement for it. >_>;;