
Feb 23, 2008 20:27

....man, i dont feel like updating today either. booo.

ok so quickly! yesterday. i had 3 classes back to back to back. i didn`t even get to go back to the staff room inbetween them. D; but somehow my feet didn`t completely fail me, although they were sore afterwards. but before all of this...! i used the term しもやけ with Y-sensei (vice principle) to tell her that that is what i believed i had. she then called over the nurse/health teacher and told her that i thought i had しもやけ. the nurse requested i show her my feet again and this time she felt my toes a lot... and then agreed with my opinion!

more than 5 different doctors have seen my feet in the past 2 weeks and i`ve had a better idea of what i was suffering from than all of them?? AREN`T DOCTORS SUPPOSE TO KNOW THESE THINGS?? the possibility that had i known the Japanese term for what i felt i had 2 weeks ago possibly having changed everything in regards to my numerous hospital visits and the treatment of my condition just.... it makes me a very unhappy camper and does nothing to encourage me going back to a hospital again in the future. to top all this off, the nurse called the treatment that i had received from the hospital "old fashioned medicine". D`; wtf

anyway. the nurse agreed with me and after massaging my toes a bit proceeded to put some kind of ointment/cream/stuff on my toes, then covered them with Saran Wrap and taped the Saran Wrap in place. all the while i`m kind of baffled by what it is that she calls herself doing, but i say nothing as it probably wont make things any worse at least. again she says i shouldn`t put anything on my feet except for Saran Wrap and perhaps some oil. she recommends olive oil. but what she put on my toes wasn`t oil, and yet she says i should only use oil if anything! confusing~ D; but whatever it was she put on my feet, combined with the Saran Wrap made walking yesterday awkward. very awkward. as i mentioned in my last entry, last night the color of my toes had improved, though! i don`t know if it was the Saran Wrap or whatever she rubbed into my toes or what.... but whatever it was, i`m grateful for it. i hope my feet continue to improve.

today it was warm enough outside for me to go out with only a jacket! no coat, no gloves. i was happppyyyy. but it`s been really really windy today, so that was a downer. i hope this warmer weather keeps up! even though i will be whining, bitching and complaining come summertime about how humid it is in my apartment, how many mosquito bites i`ve accumulated each day, how it`s been pouring cats and dogs everyday, etc-- i`ll cross that bridge when i get to it!


anything but winter, please.

weather, hospitals, feet, junior high school, ikku

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