36. Boston & Bridal Shower

Mar 11, 2007 11:06

how sad

man oh man, the bridal shower couldn't have been more boring.
They took a whole freakin hour to give her presents and
explain what they're all meant for in a marrige.
everyone was snobby.
i had never seen so many women in one room.
after a while, everyones perfume mixed and made an unfamiliar smell.
what's a bridal shower supposed to be like anyway?

A bridal shower is an event that takes place before a couple’s wedding and is intended to ‘shower’ them with gifts. It is the modern day replacement of the bridal dowry given by the bride’s family in the past. Traditionally, the bridal shower is attended by the bride’s female friends and family.

omg, i wish someone would have told me
i was going to have to sit down and watch some
lady i don't even know get "showered" with gifts,
i would have taken a freakin Lazyboy!

why is it called Lazyboy? Why not lazyperson or lazyone?
the only reason i went was because my mom
said we could spend mother daughter time.
Armando's stupid mom told me to sit in
another table because i'm not a "SENORA"
all stupid! they sat with some snobby ass bitches,
so i moved back to my moms table.
The women in aarmandos family all look alike.

not going to church feels weird.
i didn't even know i wasn't going.
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