ummmmmm haley is a hater

Dec 14, 2005 20:44

Fuck this shit
i cant handle this
im about to explode
im on lock down practically
i dont have a life anymore
i got all my things taken
except the spot were i rest my head
i fuckin hate this shit
and its just because i asked for a little freedom
i have no car
i have no fone
i cant call people or go to there home
i need a place to stay
or just to crash
im going 1000 mph
and i cant slow down
i wont slow down
i need to get out of this bull shit
i have some true friends
and they understand whats going on
they are going through the same
or have been through the same
the rest of you kids are in a daze
just acting like your parents are lame
so i sit there and laugh
when you explain your problems
most are lies
or just not really as bad as you think
ill trade you shoes
come and take a ride in mine
or some of my friends who stand with me
by my side
cuz then you will know
how fuckin easy you have it
you will never diss your parents again
or talk back
for fear of having my shoes become yours
yea you think thats a joke
you dont understand how easy you have it
un till it flips and you cant live with it
then youll be like dam
what just happened i thought my life was bad before
but it wasnt
it has just started to get bad
it will not improve much from there
so fuck this
i want out
i wish life had a restart button
or i could just fold
but you cant do that shit
its a fuckin cop out
so dont be a bitch when the tuff gets goin
get the fuck up and fight against it
make it your drive
make it make you
and you will become the man or woman
your supposed to be
fuck it im out
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