Nov 08, 2005 14:25
So what's up? I'm sitting in class with my students and I'm bored. another teacher is reading to them, so I have nothing to do. Man, I miss all of my friends! Everyone moved away from me. Maybe that's a bad sign.....hmmm. I wish people would come back and hang out! I wish basketball came on everyday! I want to watch Louisville play, I'm excited that we got a better rank than Kentucky! even though both teams are kind of over-rated this year, but it's still neat. I want to see Jarhead, it looks awesome, Jake G. with no shirt and a santa I applied for a job at JCPenny's yesterday..hope I get it, I need some extra money for Christmas! My brother is making me look bad, his only problem is that he makes too much, he doesn't know what to do with it. The whole rumor that teachers don't make lots of totally fucking true!!!! lol anyway. Wow this is a really random entry. I went to Gatlinburg this past wknd. it was fun we met some weird ass people and stuff..I went in the sky lift...that was scary scary. well I'm off...goodbye.