Stan Tookie Williams

Nov 30, 2005 11:02

I dunno if everyone has heard of Stan Tookie Williams. He founded the Crips and went to jail. He has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and it's estimated he's stopped 150,000 kids from joining gangs with his books and writings. He is on death row in California and his execution date is December 13th. Soooo people are trying to get Schwarzenegger to pardon him.

To sign the petition go to

This is at our school tonight:

November 30, 2005
Panel and discussion: Execution of Tookie Williams
6:30 pm - Cabral Center, 1st Floor, African American Institute, Northeastern University

Stop the RACIST Execution of Stan "Tookie" Williams
Panel Speakers and Discussion
Speakers to include:
- Prof. Bill Keach, founder of Educators for Tookie. Brown University professor who nominated Tookie for the Nobel Prize.
- Bobby Joe Leaster, exonerated Death Row inmate
- Prof. Robert Hall, chair of the Northeastern University African-American Studies Department and anti-death penalty activist
Potential Live Call-in from Death Row with Stan "Tookie" Williams

This is really upsetting. It is becoming more and more clear that the death penalty is not acceptable. Now we're going to execute a Nobel Peace Prize nominee.
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