This bouquet of yellow roses were given to me as I got out of my car the other day. The gardener trimming the bushes across the street cut off a few that were still young and handed me the bouquet. I felt like I received a gift from heaven. home grown roses smell so sweet too.
I have the house to myself. I savor this quiet time alone. I had a great weekend, it was fun but really busy, and I looked forward to some alone time to collect my thoughts, upload some pictures. It's funny how much I really need to be by myself to re energize!
Fondue last night turned out great. Last minute I got calls from people who wanted to join us so I changed the reservation. There were enough of us so we could order 3 pots of chocolate. I dressed up and I think I looked hot. lol everywhere we went the guys were checking me out, that never happens!!! We went to downtown Fullerton afterward to hang out at a lounge. Turned out, because it is Memorial Day, many of the bars were closed, and there was NO ONE out! We still had fun wandering around looking for places to go.
I worked today and it's an AP Psychology and AP English class, so the kids are so mature, and I had an easy time. I was supposed to go clubbing tonight, but I cannot pull off another late night and then wake up at six again.
Do you find that as we get older, we tend to relax our standards and expectations? More often I find myself going with the flow, and following the motto "It's all good". When I was younger, things that were not like "X" I labeled "bad". And things that were "Y" were good.
The reason I bring this up is because I would like to be more picky. I noticed my friend Jessica at Fondue last night, she stood out to me because she was not afraid to give her opinion, to ask for things to be "like so". I find it is a stronger person who takes a stand for something rather than agrees with everything.
I will keep you updated on how my new approach to life goes for me.
Saturday was the UFC fight. We went to Hooters, me and the 3 guys. I had a blast! When Evans got knocked out the whole room jumped out of their seats and roared, including me!! One of the guys at the table next to us gave me a high five.
Anyway, it was a blast and I realized that I relate much better to guys than to girls. Guys say what they mean, and they bond over games and sports. And they like to eat. That's my kind of fun. hahaha