Welcome to the horrible hormone picture show.

Sep 23, 2009 07:10

Yet another hormonally-induced flareup. Ye gods, I can't stand it. This can't continue to be a quarter of my life like it has been the last 2 months. I'll scream.

In many ways this one wasn't nearly as bad as the last one. I've at least had the dubious satisfaction of being able to blame some of the bad feelings on bad behavior. There have been too many nights up late reading over the last week, and I definitely had WAY too much sugar over the last month. Too much chocolate too, clearly, since my breasts are so sore.

The raging, constant hunger has been particularly bad this time. I have a range of cravings: some months I fall to my knees drooling over dark, leafy greens. Other months it's hamburgers, or beans, or pizza. Sometimes I eat an entire bunch of parsley. Nuts help a lot. Of course I crave chocolate, but I always crave chocolate. This time I had steak available (the farmer at the Saturday market was have a half-price sale) yet all I could think was that I wanted to consume an entire chicken. Or perhaps just some turkey. Not that the steak wasn't delicious. Is just that my premenstrual cravings are utterly unreasonable. Logical, however. WANT IRON.

Last night I went to and from work the long way for the first time in 2 weeks. This helped me to get myself to bed early, which was wonderful. 2 or 3 hours of sleep before midnight does me way more good than sleeping late. I had a nice almost-8 hours of sleep. Wish it hadn't ended at 5 AM, though. Was hungry, so I got up and ate. Am tired of being crazy-hungry.

I looked over my pedometer records after recording yesterday's walk and was startled to see that while my first 50 days of walking took about 8 weeks, the next 25 days of walking have taken another 7 more weeks. I don't think this is OK. I think my body is telling me that 4 days a week of exercise isn't actually enough. Need to figure out what today's walk will be. Even 5 days a week would be better than 4, I think.

Would help if I knew what shoes to hike in this fall. I want something warm but not as warm as my winter shoes, that won't induce ankle-twists by rolling one way while my feet roll another. Most so-called "walking shoes" are too padded, I'm thinking, and my vibram five fingers aren't warm enough. Any ideas, anyone?

exercise is our friend, bad bad bad bad sugar, flareup, real food

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