Aug 21, 2014 11:59
So I walked small son to school and home from the bookstore on Monday. And I felt tired, which was annoying, because I thought I had more endurance in me than that, despite slacking from 2 vacations, but whatevs. After most of the bedtime stuff I called Jen to urge her to come home quickly because I was losing it. Took some aspirin for sore muscles. Jen came, so I climbed into bed at 7:30 and left her to finish putting Sparkles to bed.
At 8:30 I was shivering so violently all the long muscles of my body were cramping. When I sat up I could keep my body still but my jaw muscles ached from my teeth chattering. Called for Jen. Temp of 99.9. After I got back from the bathroom she helped me to pile on more clothes and blankets. My fever only climbed to just over 100.
Thought I was OK in the morning, showered and everything. But we didn't get the kid to school until 10 and by that point I was losing it again. Called work, went home and went back to bed. Woke at 2:30, dragged myself up to eat. Jen was out with the kid. When she brought him home an hour later, I parented mostly by dint of letting him jump on me. That was actually fun. Fed us both, though he ate more than I did. Once again I was worn out before he was. Had another feverish evening, though I slept less.
There were doses of naproxen scattered throughout this time.
I think my fever broke around midnight, as fevers sometimes do. Pulled the sweaty clothes off, had a decent night's sleep.
In the morning my back was out. Sciatica, butt in spasm, miserable. I couldn't sit for any length of time. Jen had to do the cooking, not usually her purview. Dragged myself from the kitchen to the living room floor to the bed again.
I have never hated my body so much as I did yesterday morning. Hungry, but I couldn't move without pain. I wanted to just lie there and not eat until I could crawl out of my skin as some lighter thing. A month didn't seem like an unreasonable amount of time.
This was BEFORE I reached the point where I couldn't walk without shouts of agony with each step.
Last night Jen remembered the Advil Migraine in the medicine cabinet. I had forgotten, because it has been that long since I've had a migraine. (Wow.) So we tried that, and I remembered a stretch I hadn't tried yet, and I had a better night. Funny how muscles can't stay in spasm forever. Today I'm back on my feet. I'm not right yet, but I'm on the mend.
grouchy whining,
exercise is our friend,