Jul 27, 2010 01:22

God, I hate MegaVideo. Hate it with a boiling, untamed passion.

But I do love that I can watch BBC's new series "Sherlock" there. And I thought I would have to wait until October... phew!


I quite literally was grinning like a loon and giggling to myself the whole way through (or, you know, for the first 72 minutes. Now I have to wait another 54 before I can keep watching - effing MegaVideo).

There is soooo much to love about this, but I'll cut my rantings in case of spoilers.

First of all, THE CAST. Holy crap are they all perfect. Watson, Holmes, and Lestrade in particular are outstanding, but even the more minor characters are great, too. (I love you, Mrs. Hudson, and appreciate the fact that you are not, actually, the housekeeper. Now go take some of your therapeutic hip drugs. ;D AND MYCROFT. YES.)

And then there's the modernization, which I was wary about at first, but it's all so well done! The texting in particular is glorious, especially in the scene with Lestrade's first press conference, because OF COURSE Sherlock Holmes would prefer to communicate via texting. (We have this in common, actually. My new excuse for only talking to my friends via texts: Sherlock Holmes does it.)

AND HOLMES. OH MY HEART, HOLMES. Beating a corpse with a riding crop the first time we see him (YAY FOR CANON), and then snarking at EVERYONE and being so wonderfully arrogant and oblivious to admiring females and calling people idiots and absolutely hating Anderson and giggling with Watson and TALKING TO A SKULL (Holmes is the new Hamlet, you guys) and pickpocketing Lestrade when Lestrade is being annoying. GUH. I love him.

Watson is wonderful, too, of course, coming from Afghanistan (you are so clever, you writers) and being SO ADORABLY EXCITED to follow Holmes on his dubious missions and already so preciously loyal and failing so hard at flirting. And I love how the writers tackled his shoulder/leg wound, AGAIN WITH THE CLEVER. And then Holmes calls him out on always making impressed exclamations and at the end (yes, I finally finished it, this is an edit) they are friends and going out for Chinese and STILL GIGGLING (at a crime scene, no less - oh, boys) and I absolutely LOVE how their relationship is portrayed and MY GOD HOW IS IT ALL SO FANTASTIC.

Basically, this show is amazing and I need more of it right now.

So I'm off to pace for the next 30 or so minutes until I can finish watching the episode, and then I think I'll sleep.

sherlock holmes, rambling

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