This semester. Was. EXHAUSTING. (Hence why I haven't posted for about a month. /headdesk.)
But now I'm almost done! I have two finals left (about which I give not a single fuck), but I'm finished with my grad school applications, with Christmas shopping, and with the publishing internship (at least until January). I'm rewarding myself with booze Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (which I'm pretty psyched about because ROBERT DOWNEY JR. and JUDE LAW in LOVE and MORIARTY and NOOMI and WEEE) this afternoon, and reading. For pleasure. Which I have not been able to do properly since October, but now I have a SURPLUS OF TIME and you guys, that is SO WEIRD and AWESOME and BOOOOOKS.
Seriously, I just want to roll around in the pile of books waiting for me. The Marriage Plot... Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy... The Handmaid's Tale... The Devil in the White City... World War Z... and all of the books I asked for (and hopefully receive) for Christmas! Like A Scanner Darkly and The Cat's Table and AS;FDJA;SKDAFLKSJD BOOOOOOKS. ♥
I'll probably also start writing some fic soon, now that there is actual free time in my future. I know I've promised fic to a few people (yes,
halcyonmuse, that means you will finally get your Supernatural/Big Bang Theory fusion) and I have Avengers plot bunnies flying all over the place, so expect some of that.
Also, it finally snowed and I am pleased.
And that's honestly about all I have to say at the moment! But I've missed so much - how have you all been? TELL ME THINGS, FRIENDS. CATCH ME UP! :D