Huzzah and Farewell

Dec 24, 2010 16:48


Of course I don't like the ending, but eh. I won't make it any better by agonizing over it. Therefore: C'EST FINIS. LE WOOT.

On another note, Happy Christmas Eve Day to those who celebrate it! My mother is cooking our traditional meal (clam chowder and homemade bread, om nom nom) as I type this and I could not be happier. It smells amazing. And then tomorrow is Christmas, and the day after that I'm winging off to London for three weeks! Which is why this entry is also named "farewell." I won't be completely cut off from the internet, but I won't have my lovely Mac with me (;A;) and I probably won't have much free time, so this might be the last entry for a while.

As a fitting end for the year, I have stolen borrowed an end-of-the-year meme from  t_lyrical.


Your main fandom of the year? Probably Inception, even though that didn’t start until July. It’s just… that was quite literally all I wrote/read for almost three months, and that’s really intense for me.

Your favorite film watched this year? 
Oh, goodness. I watch way too many movies to be able to answer this. I guess Inception is the obvious answer since I saw it four times in theatres, but The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was also incredible, as was Tangled.

Your favorite book read this year?
 Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke. Hands down. (Although I keep forgetting that I also read the entire Dresden Files series this year, so we’ll tack that on, too.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
 ”Threads” by This Will Destroy You. It’s absolutely gorgeous.

Your favourite TV show of the year? 
Supernatural, but not the current season - I’ve been re-watching seasons 1-4. Also Merlin and Sherlock. And White Collar. (In conclusion: I watch too much TV.)

Your favourite LJ community of the year?
 I'm not that big into communities... I guess inception_kink ?

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
 Mmm... Merlin. Or the Dresden Files.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
 Changes. Just… Changes. Not because it was bad, just because... nnghh. TT__TT

Your TV boyfriend of the year?

 Ohhhh Puck. Puck Puck Puck. ♥

Also Misha Collins and Eoin Macken. Have some pictures!

Your TV girlfriend of the year?
Sofia Vergara, aka Gloria on Modern Family. Holy crap she’s gorgeous. JUST LOOK AT HER.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
 There were many squees to be had whilst watching Merlin because I am such a die-hard Arthurian nerd. Especially when Gawain showed up. And then Percival. And then the Round Table and the Sword in the Stone.


The most missed of your old fandoms?
 I don’t really miss old fandoms because I usually end up randomly peeking back at them when I get bored with current fandoms. But if I had to pick one I'd say Harry Potter.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
 I need to write more for the Sherlock Holmes fandom. I read plenty, but I have yet to contribute. It feels uneven. I want to fix that.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
 New Sherlock Holmes movie and new Dresden Files book. Also more BBC Sherlock. BRING IT ON, BITCHES. :D


Have a fantastic Christmas and a Happy New Year, dear f-list! I'll update regularly again around mid-January, but feel free to message me at any time and I'll do my best to get back to you.

So long!

real life, images, meme, big bang

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