(no subject)

Apr 09, 2004 10:18

Random survey
01. Spell your name backwards: ~Elocin Enna Etoc~ hahaha

02. Have you ever had a song written about you? No, but i have blue eyes, and there is a song called behind blue eyes, does that count?

03. What song makes you cry? OOO, i know this one, well, i don't know the name, but it's about this guy and his gf, and they get in a car crash, and she dies, but he lives, its so sad ;(

04. What song makes you happy? Dunno, i listen to hard rock a lot, but it makes me happy, so i guess that...o and jazz.

05. What do you like to listen to before bed? Nirvana, three days grace, the offspring, a hole bunch of random mixes

06. Height: 5'3"

07. Hair Color: Brown, with blonde highights, if you can call them that.
08. Skin Color: ummm, dunno how you would describe it, its really pale, i have people come up to me and ask me if i am alright randomly because i am so pale, but that dosen't sound flattering, so i think we'll call it alabaster

09. Eye color: Blue, the only thing i wouldn't change about myself, they are so blue, people always ask if i am wearing colored contacts, hehe.

10. Piercing: Ears, but i want my nose, and possible my eyebrow done.

11. Tattoos: no :(, i am gonna get one though, when i am older, i want a fairy on my sholder, im gonna design it myself


12. What color pants are you wearing? Their not pants, their capris, and they are blue, for your information.

13. What song are you listening to? Smells like Teen spirit, Nirvana

14. What taste is in your mouth? dunno, im parched though, brb, i need something to drink.

15. What's the weather like? I'm Back!!! What no hello? Fine! the sky is kinda dark, and its a bit breezy, but nice, im glad you care that much about the weather, but don't take the time to say hello when i caome back from what i was doing.

16. How are you? O so NOW you care!

17. Get motion sickness? Ew why would you want to know that, well if you must, i get headaches in the car a lot, but thats it

18. Have a bad habit? Probly loads, i just don't pay attention to them.

19. Get along with your parents? That would be the day


20. TV Show: That seventies show!

21. Conditioner: Pantien Pro-v (sp?)

22. Book:dunno, i have lots, The Orical, The Girl With the Pearl Earing, A Girl Named Disaster, Don' tell, Legacy of lies, the list goes on and on

23. Non alcoholic drink: ummm, v8 splash

25. Things to do in the weekend: hang out with buds, just chill

26. Broken the law: umm, not really, i got yelled at by a state trooper once, hehe

27. Ran away from home: thought about it, but i don't have any money

28. Snuck out of the house:nope

29. Ever gone skinny dipping: Why would you want to know that?????

30. Made a prank phone call:a couple of times, hehe >;}

33. Skipped School before:a couple of times, but my parents let me,does that count???

34. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: Once again with the nude questions, i mean common, who thinks of these questions???

35. Been in a school play:like three times, but everyone got a part, i am NOT a goo actress

36. Had a boyfriend:Have one right now, he is sooo sweet, i love him

39. Current Crush: My bf, haven't you been listening??? O, orlando bloom is ok too.

41. Had a hard time getting over someone: Yah, but whatever

42. Been hurt: Phisically,or mentally, or emotional.,you need to specify, com on now

44. Gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days:no

45. Do you have a job: no
46. Your CD player has what in it now: Nirvana
47. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Can i be the whole box?
48. What makes you happy? lots of things
49. What's the next CD you're gonna buy: dunno, i never plan ahead

50. Time you cried: yesterday
51. You got a real letter: ummmm, can't think back that far, im getting a brain cramp
52. You got an e-mail: a couple of minutes ago, it was matt e, telling me he had no life
53. Thing you purchased: jewlrey, hehe
54. TV program you watched: Great Chefs of the world
55. Movies you saw in the theater:dunno, can't remember the last time i went to one
56. Kissed? dunno
57. Hug? ben, yestardy
58. Song heard? Nirvana, i think you can guess by now, smells like teen spirit
59. Place you were: here, typing aren't you paying any attention
60. Phone Call: ben, last night
64. Car? fast
66. Cape? yum
68. Cell? phone
69. Shoe? poo (ew)
70. Fun? Floosh
72. Crush? Ben
74. Chalk? dust
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