So, I was replying in a comment to
wavesandmoon, when I realized that was I was really typing, you see, was an update. So. Because, see, the good things that are happening are too good to keep inside. Even Terry is remarking on the fact that I've been extra-happy lately. Which, if you've been around me for any length of time, is impressive. :D So. I give you the Happy Things Update:
(you've been warned in advance. There is gross overuse of exclamation points and super smiley faces in the following paragraphs. Read at your own risk. :D)
Thing 1) I have joined TOPS with Mom, and after two weeks, and less effort than I thought, I have lost SEVEN POUNDS YAY.
Thing 2) The Grenfell student union is helping me mount an appeal towards my Student loans because they called me last week and told me I had to pay them $900 by the end of the month, OH GOD. But, we are fixing it. Woot!!!! :D
Thing 3) School is going FANTASTICALLY. My marks are amazing, I love my classes, and I think I have the best professors ever. Even the one who tells me that I think too much like a mathematician, and not enough like a physicist, but it's ok, he won't hold it against me. :D I am happy, and according to my academic advisor (who told me yesterday that he's very proud of me, yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!) I'm right on track to graduate in a years time. FINALLY. :D
THING 4(and possibly the BEST thing)) Mom and Dad are seriously considering purchasing a new car. As in have had it out for a test drive twice, got all approved for the financing, considering. WHICH MEANS! The Cavalier is MINE! MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE! MY OWN CAR! (which would not only make trips to Port Aux Basques (and St. Johns! :D) easier, would also mean that we would have a car when I got there. Yes. Just, y'know. Sayin'.) Also I have found a reputable mechanic who went over my car (Eeee!) with me tonight, and showed me all the things I need to fix, and will let me fix them one at a time, such as I can afford. :D:D:D:D:D
So! Tell me friends list! What's new and exiting with you lot?