Feb 27, 2005 19:02
Wow. This has been the most relaxing and exciting weekend I've had in a while. I've done nothing and everything. I know, I know, very confusing. At home I've done nothing besides mess with my camera and watch tv. But I went out of the house 2 times (all right!) this weekend.
On friday I went to the school improv show. It was really good. I saw alot of people I recognized on cast and in the audience. Too bad that I didn't get to talk to any of them after the show. Darn my mom and her promptness! I wonder if many of them missed me/saw me.
Last night though, last night... wow. That was fuuUUUuun. It was Wing's B-day bash. There was upwards to 20, maybe even 30 people there. Only 8 that I knew... Highlights were the Romogames. I got attacked atleast 5 times because of them. It was all good. In this one game called "Da, Nu, Da" (Yes, No, Yes) this guy leaned in and pursed his lips during the lips part of the game, wow. Most should know what I'm talking about.. if not call me and I'll tell you. The lowpoint was when everyone was grinding.. Okay, not everyone but like two couples. Still, didn't want to see that!
See ya next time,