Apocalypse Meow turned one year old yesterday. :)
We've had him for ten months now. He's all grown up. *sniff*
If you know me, you know how much I love cows. Like, ridiculously
love them. Like, every time I see a cow, whether it be in person or
on tv or in a picture, I either squee or giggle or get very excited.
(usually all three) My cow love is a little bit worrisome at times.
So, it thrills me to no end that our cat is decorated like a cow.
Aww, lookit that little face!
I don't think he likes sharing his space.
He spends half the day sitting in the window watching people walk by.
He's simultaneously fascinated and horrified by anyone who isn't Duncan or I.
The day we brought him home. He was so teeny! :)
We'd had him a couple days here. He still had no name.
Everyone knows that cats really hate closed doors...
Click to view
(I was so impressed the first time I saw him do that!!)