haha, I agree! I feel like I can relate to you.. in a couple of posts saying how Juniper can be a bit naughty.. someone told you in a comment that she sounds awful, and you replied, "I love her. :("
Well.. this cat can be truly horrible at times.. but we love him. :(
When my parents dog, Sailor, was a puppy, wholly mother of god she was a psycho freak! She was so hyper, jumped all over everyone and everything, wreaked havoc every chance she got. After about 2 years she mellowed out and turned into a great dog, very well behaved and sweet. :) It't just natural for babies to be hyper. I've never raised a kitten before though, so I didn't know just how insane they were. Crimeny.
Duncan kind of wants a german shepherd. I never wanted one, to be honest, but after seeing all of your Juniper pictures, the breed has totally grown on me and I wouldn't be opposed to one at all. (I prefer smaller dogs though)
Well.. this cat can be truly horrible at times.. but we love him. :(
She's actually calming down a bit... once her puppy energy disappears, I think she'll be almost "well behaved!"
Maybe when A.M. grows up a little... the naughty streak will go away!
Duncan kind of wants a german shepherd. I never wanted one, to be honest, but after seeing all of your Juniper pictures, the breed has totally grown on me and I wouldn't be opposed to one at all. (I prefer smaller dogs though)
She's gotten better in the last 3 months.
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