May 25, 2004 18:53
i feel like i hate everyone. And when i dig down deep inside to the marrow of my bones i can see that really i just have a lot of un needed hate towards myself. Bagaage. like that song.
I dont know, lately ive been thinking, its all nice and dandy to help people out and make things "work" between you and other people but when it all comes down to it. You got to watch out for yourself and yourself only.
Being a Teenager is a complex time period to have to put up with. Mood swings and boys and girls and school work and not school work and family issues and money issues and happiness issues. I think a lot of people forget how hard it can be. Well people naturaly forget a lot of things other people are feeling anyhow. I dont want to update on my days anymore on this lj. Instead i will share random thoughts and theories i have floating about.
Summer is comming and i this is a good thing now.