Dec 20, 2005 11:05
As Christmas closes in I find myself more and more depressed about where my life is and what I want to do to make it better. However, at the same time I look at what I have accomplished and find myself amazed at how far I have come and where I have brought myself up from a very miserable period of my life.
Regrets sure I have plenty, lost touch with many friends along the way and do not know how to reconnect with many of them. However, I have found many new friends with possibilities of becoming something more then the occasional hi how are ya. You know who you are. You have offered support when I needed it the most and for that I am truly happy to know you.
My Christmas wish for all is a happy healthy year to you all and may the things due to you come to you this year. I know that many of us have had hard times and struggled over the last year I really wish that not to be the case this year. Some of us have overcome obstacles so great and some small but all are commendable feats rather then rolling over and saying the world won, we have conquered and carried on. I am proud of you all!
Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy new year. May this season bring forth lots of reflection.
All my Love,