new super gay layout

Apr 17, 2010 11:43

this color is so damn bright it hurts my eyes, but I'll leave it like it is anyways it's so wrong. lol
just never played with LJ css, and had the urge to try it (I have an urge to wash my fridge, should I fight it? o__O)

other stuff:
considering buying 1 season on House. never saw the show, and I'm a bitch when it comes to BUYING and COLLECTING stuff, so yeah.

i am beyond help, i don't blink bitch, om nom nom nom nom, i need therapy after doing this, this shit's a mishtery to me, i'm fab, awesome does not need translation, i can't believe i wrote this crazy shit, i'm a god and u know it bitch, blinded by the dazzle, i want off the drugs now pls, good luck unseeing it

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