
Dec 03, 2010 14:41

my bros girfriend and HER DAUGHTER are staying at our appartment few nights a month.
and I'm always acting cool about it

but deep down I'm all frustrated couse it's my house and suddenly I'm feeling like the 5th wheel or something

I just wanna run away and come back when they'r not home anymore. I'm I paranoid?

srsly, I don't know why it feels so awkward when I'm going to the kitchen and they'r there. usually I'm not so territorial or anything and it's not like I don't like them - just don't know them and can't find any topicks to talk.

and don't tell me I should 'get to know them' - don't feel like it (I'm acting like a 10 year' old, aren't I?)

i am beyond help, don't go anywhere without your tags on, i need therapy, this shit's a mishtery to me, fail, fml, fuck me, miserable, confused me is confused

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