Well, ok, this is my second layout. Very basic again. Hope you'll like it.
Basic informations:Name of Style Sheet:Winter SongLayout:Tranquility IIStyle:S2 Sidebar: withoutTested on:Firefox 3.6, Opera 9.61, IE 7 in other browser it also looks good, but I can't tested it. (Safari and Chrome)Header:withoutHow to install?01.Choose a (style) layout. (
Set Ad Placement to: Between Entries.
03.Go to Customize Journal Theme. (
here)04.In Display -> Navigation Strip select:
Light gray gradient05.In Display -> Presentation -> Basic Options type:
Date format: %%yyyy%%/%%mm%%/%%dd%%
06.In Display -> Presentation -> Additional Options type/select:
Userpic display style for comments: SMALL
Display your userpic with your entries: YES
Time format: %%HH%%:%%min%%
07.In Custom CSS -> Page select:
Use layout's stylesheet(s): NO
Leave "Custom External Stylesheet" empty.
Paste the CSS that I give you in the "Custom Stylesheet" box.
08.Remember to save changes!Used fonts: Palatino Linotype Courier New Verdana Georgia ArialUsed colors:
Used tiny icons set:
Download from hereRules:01.Credit niewiadoma if you use.02.Comment. =)03.If you want to change something, it's ok, but don't change too much. But do it if you know how to do it. Seriously.
04.Better upload all images to your own account.
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