One of Them?

Feb 19, 2006 12:23

Huh. I've just seen One of Them and... WTF? Why do people keep telling me that Sawyer has disappointed them in this one and that they liked it and that they're sure that the guy was lying? I'm sorry, Sawyer disappointed you?! Sawyer? And Sayid what? OMG I'm totally shocked. 'I know the truth because I don't feel guilty for what I've done?' Yeah, well, maybe now you do, dude! But OMGWTFTORTURESAGAIN?! Weren't you the one that felt so guilty about torturing Sawyer? The one that just couldn't live with himself and left the group? The one that swore he will never do that again? What, your addicted to torturing, Saddam?

Gah, okay, sorry for callin you Saddam. You know I've always liked you.

But now I like you less.

And that Henry guy being one of Them? Maybe he is, you know, that's what always happens. Sayid can't be wrong now. But if it was for me, I wouldn't be so sure *rolls eyes* Tho probably he is.

The best thing in the ep? Locke didn't make it! Locke didn't make it! Finally! HA! Those signs were so... you know! Sth's gonna happen now, sth went wrong, I'm sure of it! He did press the button eventually, but... OMG the best thing in the ep, I've waited so long for them to finally not make it!

The worst thing? No Kate. Absolutely no Kate. And no Kate means no Skate. And no Skate means unhappy Nes :P


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