Stripping only takes your mind away from it all for so long.
I mean, yeah, it's fun and all, trying to decide exactly what should come off first and to what extent and what rhythm and which articles of clothing should be hurled into the raucous crowd at the PP. It's quite a challenge, mind you.
But, of course, everything gets old sometime.
I think the last time I left the PP, Elrohir invited me to Rivendell and from there I traveled to Celemawë where the whole cesium thing happened and...yeah. Although come to think of it, those were rather exciting times. Not that I want to go back to those days of Elladan losing arms and stuff.
Maybe I'll go to the Shire, or something. I remember being around there when I first got out of Mandos, and when
borntoramble forged The One Spork.
elendilthetall, though, if you ever want to take me up on that drink...