Chat transcripts, chatroom: Entsex

Sep 07, 2002 00:28

i am theodred (10:27:29 PM): ahah
theygetitfromme (10:27:29 PM): ENTSEX
i am theodred (10:27:45 PM): is that even possible?
theygetitfromme (10:27:53 PM): ENTSEX ENTSEX ENTSEX
maid of tears (10:28:01 PM): Théodred: Anything's possible. Mrehehe.
i am theodred (10:28:12 PM): i'd like to see some entsex.
i am theodred (10:28:34 PM): ent porn.
Jenn Gamgee (10:28:53 PM): *wonders just what she has just walked in on..*

maid of tears (10:33:51 PM): What about, like, cross-species sex a la Rohan Human/Horse sex?
maid of tears (10:34:02 PM): Like, ents/wargs
maid of tears (10:34:09 PM): ents/silmarils
scrunchie crown (10:34:12 PM): O.O
maid of tears (10:34:15 PM): ents/Irmo
maid of tears (10:36:17 PM): ents/Valar
maid of tears (10:36:25 PM): ents/Eru

so knives out (10:56:19 PM): why am i even in here?
erchirion (10:56:29 PM): Because we love you
DivaErestor (10:56:31 PM): Because Ent sex was irresistible?
i am theodred (10:56:40 PM): ahaha
so knives out (10:56:42 PM): no ent sex was like an open wound i couldn't not look at
erchirion (10:56:42 PM): In a completely stakerish and creepy way.
so knives out (10:56:50 PM): i love you all in a similar way :-)

(11:43:18 PM) die gondor die has entered the room.
die gondor die (11:43:28 PM): i just went to a chatroom called 'entsex'
die gondor die (11:43:36 PM): o.o SOMETHING IS WRONG

The Poem, Draft One
yallume (12:02:13 AM): Christopher Lee's hot ass
yallume (12:02:16 AM): is very hot
maid of tears (12:02:35 AM): It unites the world--
yallume (12:02:35 AM): because its molecules move more quickly
yallume (12:02:40 AM): than something that is not hot
maid of tears (12:02:54 AM): or at least, all the people who have "christopher lee's hot ass" listed as an interest
maid of tears (12:02:57 AM): Ehehehehe
yallume (12:03:04 AM): indeed
yallume (12:03:05 AM): IT
yallume (12:03:06 AM): IS
yallume (12:03:06 AM): HOT
yallume (12:03:14 AM): hot and, uh, sweet
yallume (12:03:19 AM): like honey
yallume (12:03:25 AM): that comes from a honeycomb
maid of tears (12:03:27 AM): or like Mandos lollipops
yallume (12:03:31 AM): because if it didn't it wouldn't be honey
yallume (12:03:34 AM): but would instead
maid of tears (12:03:43 AM): or like Faramir's shampoo, when he washes
maid of tears (12:03:59 AM): *inserted after the ARTIFICIAL SUGARYNESS: Ew.
yallume (12:04:00 AM): which, while it must be admited is sweet indeed, IS NO THE SWEET HONEY OF CHRISTOPHER LEE'S HOT ASS
yallume (12:04:14 AM): ((NO = NOT))
maid of tears (12:04:29 AM): ehehe
yallume (12:04:45 AM): OH
yallume (12:04:48 AM): CHRISTOPHER LEE
maid of tears (12:05:09 AM): The texture of thy ass is like a feather pillow
yallume (12:05:19 AM): more wonderful than a doughnut
maid of tears (12:05:19 AM): a real one, not those fake ones they give you in the Holiday Inn
die gondor die (12:05:24 AM): AHAHAA
yallume (12:05:32 AM): more elegant than the home shopping network
die gondor die (12:05:47 AM): Your ass is evocative of warm nights on the beach and such
die gondor die (12:05:55 AM): And...Magic Fingers beds
maid of tears (12:06:05 AM): ((*dies laughing*))
yallume (12:06:07 AM): your ass
yallume (12:06:10 AM): makes me hot
yallume (12:06:10 AM): in my spot
yallume (12:06:14 AM): MORE SO
yallume (12:06:15 AM): THAN
yallume (12:06:16 AM): ENT SEX
die gondor die (12:06:19 AM): o.o
maid of tears (12:06:23 AM): Like wiggling your toes in warm sand.
yallume (12:06:33 AM): like rolling in chilled jello
maid of tears (12:06:33 AM): Only, your ass instead of the warm sand.
die gondor die (12:06:42 AM): or taking a bath in cold noodles
yallume (12:06:46 AM): ((AHAHHAAAHA))
yallume (12:06:54 AM): ohhh, how the noodles slide against your skin!
(12:06:56 AM) NinethRingwraith has entered the room.
yallume (12:06:59 AM): and since it's ichiban
yallume (12:07:03 AM): it comes in a packet
yallume (12:07:10 AM): or the flavouring, anyway
maid of tears (12:07:15 AM): ((Nine, we're composing a poem to Christopher Lee's hot ass. Feel free to join in.))
yallume (12:07:22 AM): FOR
yallume (12:07:23 AM): it is your ass
NinethRingwraith (12:07:30 AM): Ah - I think I'll sit this one out...thank you though.
die gondor die (12:07:33 AM): your ass must run free!
die gondor die (12:07:42 AM): like the noble wildebeast
yallume (12:07:50 AM): RUN
die gondor die (12:07:51 AM): it cannot be tamed
maid of tears (12:07:51 AM): Like the dwarves in the dwarf wards of mandos!
yallume (12:08:06 AM): like the drunken phonesex
yallume (12:08:10 AM): of ENTS
yallume (12:08:13 AM): it goes something
yallume (12:08:15 AM): like this
yallume (12:08:21 AM): hey, baby, what are you HOOOOOOOOMING?
yallume (12:08:25 AM): but anyway
die gondor die (12:08:25 AM): hlkgahkghg
maid of tears (12:08:26 AM): o.O
die gondor die (12:08:27 AM): HAHAHFKLADSHGLAHGA
maid of tears (12:08:37 AM): EFFERVESCENT--the word for thy rear
yallume (12:08:49 AM): no word is greater than EFFERVESCENT
maid of tears (12:09:17 AM): Yes!
yallume (12:09:21 AM): I want to molest it
maid of tears (12:09:21 AM): Almost as much as your actual ass.
yallume (12:09:25 AM): like Sancho wants his sugarthighs
erchirion (12:09:32 AM): ((Stay awake and wait for Tom, or go pass out?))
die gondor die (12:09:38 AM): stay awaaake
yallume (12:09:41 AM): except, you know
maid of tears (12:09:46 AM): ((Stay awake! Otherwise you'd miss the poem!))
yallume (12:09:52 AM): you don't look like quentin tarantino
(12:10:03 AM) TakaCrantz has entered the room.
yallume (12:10:06 AM): and even though I have no seen his
yallume (12:10:09 AM): it cannot be
yallume (12:10:09 AM): FOR
yallume (12:10:11 AM): YOUR ASS IS THE BEST OF ANY
yallume (12:10:14 AM): asses
yallume (12:10:14 AM): ever
TakaCrantz (12:10:14 AM): (Lady Ent) I find the name of this chatroom so demeaning...
erchirion (12:10:19 AM): ((Okay, I'll just faceplant a little hgvolvjfiaoe;jolegaefgv ))
maid of tears (12:10:19 AM): ((John, we are writing a poem for Christopher Lee's hot ass.))
maid of tears (12:10:25 AM): ((Feel free to join in.))
TakaCrantz (12:10:27 AM): ((Oh dear god))
die gondor die (12:10:33 AM): JOHN HELLO HI
NinethRingwraith (12:10:38 AM): Fimbrethiel: Oh I completely agree
yallume (12:10:41 AM): OH CHRISOTOPHER LEE
maid of tears (12:10:41 AM): Your ass is like a fleaker.
yallume (12:10:47 AM): or Krissie, if I may call you that
maid of tears (12:10:47 AM): A mixture of a flask and a beaker...
yallume (12:10:55 AM): in that it like
yallume (12:10:56 AM): can contain stuff
maid of tears (12:10:59 AM): only your ass is the mixture of the divine and the humane
die gondor die (12:10:59 AM): O mighty Lee
maid of tears (12:11:07 AM): ((AHAHAHA))
die gondor die (12:11:12 AM): your ass is like one of those sand art things you make at a county fair
TakaCrantz (12:11:20 AM): Someone hold me. I think I'm going to cry
die gondor die (12:11:22 AM): AH THE BEAUTY OF THE COLOURED SAND
die gondor die (12:11:33 AM): much like...
die gondor die (12:11:34 AM): your ass.
die gondor die (12:11:37 AM): EFFERVESCENT.
yallume (12:11:50 AM): EFFERVESCENT
yallume (12:11:55 AM): EFFERVESCENT
maid of tears (12:12:08 AM): effERVEScent
die gondor die (12:12:10 AM): O CHRISTOPHER LEE
die gondor die (12:12:16 AM): YOUR ASS MAKES ME WANT TO
yallume (12:12:19 AM): may I call you Krissie?
die gondor die (12:12:20 AM): SHOWER YOU IN FINE POLLEN
yallume (12:12:21 AM): YES
yallume (12:12:24 AM): SHOWERSHOWER
NinethRingwraith (12:12:28 AM): *begins to feel ill with the effervessing*
yallume (12:13:00 AM): ohh your ass
yallume (12:13:01 AM): how I love it
maid of tears (12:13:01 AM): ((Nine: But think of the ass!))
maid of tears (12:13:11 AM): It makes me want to stroke your roots
maid of tears (12:13:14 AM): that is, if you were an ent and had roots.
die gondor die (12:13:16 AM): oh god
yallume (12:13:19 AM): it makes me want to snuggle it
maid of tears (12:13:19 AM): As it is, I'll have to stroke...
yallume (12:13:22 AM): like a snuggly thing
maid of tears (12:13:25 AM): ...YOUR ASS
die gondor die (12:13:32 AM): ASSSSS
yallume (12:13:35 AM): ASSSSS
yallume (12:13:38 AM): EFFERVESCENT
maid of tears (12:13:45 AM): EFFERVESCENT ASS
NinethRingwraith (12:13:48 AM): I have no idea who Christopher Lee is and regardless I do not think that I would be attracted to his ass.
yallume (12:13:56 AM): AJHAK
TakaCrantz (12:13:59 AM): He's a tree
TakaCrantz (12:14:02 AM): Yuale married him
yallume (12:14:15 AM): ((Christiopher Lee plays Sarumon, but I named a tree after him))
TakaCrantz (12:14:15 AM): It was a wonderful and beautiful romance
maid of tears (12:14:15 AM): o.o
NinethRingwraith (12:14:18 AM): Okay...
maid of tears (12:14:29 AM): With equally beautiful wedding pictures
die gondor die (12:14:34 AM): oh christopher lee
die gondor die (12:14:38 AM): your ass makes me feel
NinethRingwraith (12:14:41 AM): I'm sure it was lovely
die gondor die (12:14:44 AM): like a natural woman
yallume (12:14:52 AM): MORE NATURUAL
yallume (12:14:55 AM): THAN
yallume (12:15:00 AM): like
maid of tears (12:15:03 AM): As opposed to a chemically processed woman
die gondor die (12:15:06 AM): yes.
yallume (12:15:08 AM): yes
NinethRingwraith (12:15:11 AM): Or one with artifical flavoring
yallume (12:15:24 AM): MMM
maid of tears (12:15:27 AM): Nothing fake about this ass!
yallume (12:15:30 AM): ARTIFICIAL FLAVOURING
yallume (12:15:32 AM): except
yallume (12:15:35 AM): not
die gondor die (12:15:43 AM): THIS ASS IS NOT MADE WITH RED 40
maid of tears (12:15:49 AM): o.o
yallume (12:15:50 AM): INDEED IT IS NOT
yallume (12:15:56 AM): it only makes me love it more
NinethRingwraith (12:15:57 AM): ...or even one that was artifically vitamen enriched?
yallume (12:15:59 AM): though I would still love it
yallume (12:16:05 AM): if it has silicone implants
maid of tears (12:17:36 AM): O Christopher Lee's pants! Divine articles,
maid of tears (12:17:46 AM): made to touch the effervescent ass
die gondor die (12:17:47 AM): O CHRISTOPHER LEE
yallume (12:17:52 AM): YOUR ASS
yallume (12:17:54 AM): SHOULD NOT
die gondor die (12:17:55 AM): YOUR ASS IS LIKE
yallume (12:17:56 AM): BE CONTAINED
yallume (12:17:57 AM): IN PANTS
die gondor die (12:17:59 AM): really great.
yallume (12:18:01 AM): it must BURST FREE
die gondor die (12:18:06 AM): it should hang free in the air...
yallume (12:18:08 AM): like teleporno's massive boobies
die gondor die (12:18:12 AM): exposed to natural oxygen and such
die gondor die (12:18:19 AM): unless your ass should go to los angeles
yallume (12:18:22 AM): it deserves SPARKLES and glitter
die gondor die (12:18:26 AM): in which case it would be in the smog
maid of tears (12:18:36 AM): And nitrogen and neon and all the other trace elements
yallume (12:18:43 AM): ASSES are like children
yallume (12:18:45 AM): in that
maid of tears (12:18:49 AM): But not cesium, because then it would explode
yallume (12:18:52 AM): it takes a village to raise then
yallume (12:19:02 AM): then = them
die gondor die (12:19:09 AM): ah...cesium...
yallume (12:19:15 AM): for your as
yallume (12:19:18 AM): HAS GROWN
die gondor die (12:19:22 AM): HAHAHGHAFK
die gondor die (12:19:31 AM): O MIGHTY ASS OF LEE
die gondor die (12:19:38 AM): i do not speak enough languages
yallume (12:19:39 AM): MIGHTY
die gondor die (12:19:41 AM): or even enough english
yallume (12:19:43 AM): MIGHTY WITH MIGHT
die gondor die (12:19:48 AM): to describe thy mighty cheeks
yallume (12:20:01 AM): they RETAIN THEIR YOUTH
yallume (12:20:05 AM): decades younger than thy self
yallume (12:20:07 AM): or something
yallume (12:20:37 AM): WELL PRESERVED
maid of tears (12:20:39 AM): O Christopher Lee,
yallume (12:20:40 AM): AND SHINY
yallume (12:20:44 AM): like a ripe apple
die gondor die (12:20:44 AM): very shiny!
maid of tears (12:20:47 AM): voted "It Really, Really Old Guy" once,
die gondor die (12:20:49 AM): like a new penny
maid of tears (12:20:52 AM): if I had to describe the perfect ass
maid of tears (12:21:05 AM): in an analytical essay for admission into higher education, or such,
(12:21:08 AM) gloredhel01 has left the room.
maid of tears (12:21:13 AM): I would write on the topic: "Christopher Lee's Effervescent Ass".
yallume (12:21:19 AM): EFFERVESCENT ASS
die gondor die (12:21:22 AM): EFFERVESCENT
maid of tears (12:21:27 AM): EFFERVESCENT.
yallume (12:21:37 AM): EFFERVESCENT
NinethRingwraith (12:21:41 AM): Bubbly even.
maid of tears (12:22:14 AM): Bubbly and well-textured,
maid of tears (12:22:22 AM): and with the smell of crisp new books.
die gondor die (12:22:31 AM): and just a HINT
die gondor die (12:22:35 AM): of peaches
die gondor die (12:22:35 AM): and cream
yallume (12:22:45 AM): but
yallume (12:22:47 AM): most of all
yallume (12:22:50 AM): EVANESCENT
maid of tears (12:23:04 AM): And so, Christopher Lee--
maid of tears (12:23:11 AM): we, your dedicated fans, and those of thy ass,
die gondor die (12:23:11 AM): LEE, the almighty
yallume (12:23:11 AM): LEE
die gondor die (12:23:21 AM): LEEEE
maid of tears (12:23:21 AM): set down this poem...
die gondor die (12:23:21 AM): (pedro)
yallume (12:23:21 AM): PEDRO
yallume (12:23:23 AM): your ass
die gondor die (12:23:26 AM): (of sorts)
yallume (12:23:28 AM): IS
yallume (12:23:33 AM): AS GREAT AS PEDRO
yallume (12:23:36 AM): SO
die gondor die (12:23:39 AM): how your ass inspires us lowly mortals!
yallume (12:23:39 AM): so
yallume (12:23:42 AM): when Gandalf yells at doors
die gondor die (12:23:45 AM): it makes me want to sing yankee doodle dandy
maid of tears (12:23:48 AM): which is getting so long that it might almost be compared to the Odyssey or the Iliad,
yallume (12:23:48 AM): IT IS FOR YOUR ASS HE CRIES
die gondor die (12:23:53 AM): YOUR ASS IS JUST THAT EPIC
yallume (12:23:57 AM): EPIC ASSNESS
maid of tears (12:24:03 AM): we invoke your name
maid of tears (12:24:07 AM): and that of thy ass.
yallume (12:24:22 AM): PEDRO
die gondor die (12:24:26 AM): ass.
die gondor die (12:24:27 AM): asssss.
yallume (12:24:34 AM): ASS
die gondor die (12:24:35 AM): THE END I SAY IT IS THE END THE END.
yallume (12:24:35 AM): PEDRO
maid of tears (12:24:35 AM): Effervesssscent.
yallume (12:24:37 AM): PERDRO
yallume (12:24:38 AM): ASS ASS
yallume (12:24:40 AM): PEDRO
NinethRingwraith (12:24:40 AM): arse
maid of tears (12:24:40 AM): And now we sound like Gollum.
yallume (12:24:43 AM): ARSE
die gondor die (12:24:46 AM): efferVeScEnT
maid of tears (12:24:49 AM): Except we are not being raped by a cordless phone.
yallume (12:24:52 AM): PEDRO ARSE PEDRO
erchirion (12:25:00 AM): Gone all that time and you're still talking about Christopher Lee's ass.

*bows* Thank you.
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