Aug 12, 2006 09:32
See, that's what happens when you've never done karaoke before and then you go with your sister and two of your best friends and all start belting out songs for two hours. XD Man, last night was awesome fun. It was really the first time I'd been out with friends in a long time where I actually had that much fun that I didn't spend as much time thinking about Mark as I did about actually being there and just enjoying myself XD Gawd, that was insane XD And our digicam that Don gave Mark and I has its uses >:D I've got some video of us singing and bouncing around in there, though, I'm in some of it too, thanks to Koolie filming, so I can't exactly incriminate anyone ;P
I had a horribly bad night for random things going wrong to me last night, too, but I still managed to have one of the best nights out with my friends in I don't know how long XD Namely, first I caught my wedding band on the door as I was leaving 7-11, so my left hand ring finger was all swollen up and owwies, and I've had to wear my wedding band on my other hand since then =.=; That really stinks :/ The finger's still tender, so when it's better, I'll put the ring back where it should be. At the karaoke bar, I managed to open my Dr.Pepper and get it all over me because it fizzed all over, and later on, I stuck my chin in my gellato :P
Thursday night, Koolie and her mom took me to the Japanese pavilion for Folklorama XD That was fun, and we got to see the Taiko and dancing show, and eat some sushi, and wander aimlessly XD Saw an old schoolmate :o Michael Moreau XD Hadn't seen him in ages :D He married one of the girls that we went to school with, Melissa Sitter XD That's freaking awesome. Apparently they spent 3 years in Japan :O So me and him and Koolie were all trading stories about things XD Ahh, that was fun ^-^
Lately, I've been doing some picture reprinting from teh wedding, and trying to make prints mainly for Mark, myself, and people that we had to thank for the wedding, and next up is trying to pick the perfect bunch of photos for Mark's parents to make an album for them in thanks, and since they weren't able to be there. Also, I've watched all three extended LOTR dvds with the cast commentary XD Mark and I watched them by themselves over our honeymoon, but I wanted to watch them again without actually watching them, if that makes sense. I've still got three more commentaries per movie to watch, too, and the extras from the Return of the King @_@
In very recent news, I JUST BEAT FF4A XD XD XD omg I love FF4, always have, always will :D:D *falls down* Man, Zeromus is a pussy. course, he DID kill Kain at one point, but that's just because he did one of those large HP hits then used Big Bang. I was like.. AYE, FGT! *summons Asura for the others then casts Full-Life on Kain* And.. holy crap, I somehow forgot my spoon. Seriously. How the shit did I forget my spoon?! I still had my frying pan XD I was like.. WHERE IS MY SPOON TO THROW?! WHERE I SAY DX But then I looked and went ohhhhh *smacks head* Anyways, I forgot to kill Dark Bahamut too, but now THAT'S taken care of too >_> And the Lunar Ruins are open, but I haven't been there yet.
Right now, I've got to go do the dishes or something ghey before I go out to Grand Marais with Flewin and April, and then later tonight, Koolie and I are going to Candi's bachelorette party XD Man, I'm so freaking broke x.x I go now, and.. dunno. Rawr.