Mar 13, 2006 10:48
auguguhgauh I did it again x_X I wasted time yesterday and didn't get as much done as I meant to, damnit. Of course, I'm deathly tired today, so that REALLY makes me want to work on my homework. Oh yeah. *falls over on her plushie* Supposed to rain today, and maybe have thunderstorm tonight XD That might be fun, if the power doesn't go splut. Myarr, I'm stuck between thinking of my homework, and thinking of Mark, who's always in my brain XD Been thinking lately, reading old emails, and realizing just how much I miss hearing Mark's encouraging words to *me*, too.. Have really been needing it lately, and didn't realize it, since I've just been struggling forward and trying so hard to keep myself going, and worrying about him and trying to help him and encourage him, that I just wasn't thinking too much about what I needed from him, other than a hug and an I love you x.X Grar, he used to be able to email me a lot more back then too, and a lot of the emails I'm reading are from before we even met in person for the first time.. funny how things can change without you realizing it.. He doesn't always say so much on the phone or in person, which I don't mind in person at least, because you don't always *have* to say so much in person.. expressions and gestures can say everything for you sometimes. I wish he had more time to email me, or to talk online like we used to.. at least while we're apart, since speaking like that is easier for him, it seems. Nyarr.. miss him so much :/ Trying so hard, and I know he is too.. I wonder if he remembers the sorts of things he said XD We were both always trying to help and keep the other up and cheering them on.. which we still are, but I guess it's just a matter of not hearing it much anymore and needing to hear it, because it *does* help make us feel better.. waugh, I've got stuff to ask him next time we talk ~.~
Blee, am go find something for lunch and try not to fall asleep =.=; *yawns and flails, ruffling her wings and stretching them, then flops off to the kitchen, brain all much busies*