Jul 03, 2007 12:54
any of you that have had to go into work while in the sniffling nose running, sneezing, coughing, fall the fuck over stages of a cold can attest to that. not sick enough to stay home, too sick to be at work and function properly. augh. gotta work again tonight. had yesterday off because of the long canada day weekend, but had worked a bunch of days before it :3 time and a half for canada day was pretty worth it, even if i felt like crap the whole time XD
in other news, been playing wow a bunch as usual. did some BGs with mark the other day, and that was a lot of fun XD i don't always get to do stuff with him because of our schedules not matching up, since it usually requires me to stay up way too farking late to do so. can't wait to see him in less than three weeks x.x;; so looking forward to it.. and this is where i would gush about how much i love him and stuff, but because i'm coughing up a lung and it hurts, i'm going to not, and just do it in my head instead x.x;; ow.
also, i hate tuesday wow maintenance, especially when they have to extend it because someone fucked something up somewhere, and things aren't working right anymore. I HAVE LIMITED TIME BEFORE WORK YOU BASTARDS DX *sadface* oh well. i know that the stuff needs to be done :P doesn't make wanting to play and not being able to any easier though, when you're all *was looking forward to doing something*. yeah, it's sad, too >_>; oh well.
gotta get mom to take some of my boxes to storage so that she shuts up about the basement being messy. i'm not sure what she's thinking, because frankly, there isn't enough room for all the boxes that would need to go to fit in there, but whatever. she insisted, and there'll be a LITTLE bit more room at any rate. :3 will clean sewns.
labu monkeh, am send lovechus in teh air. ~_~