
Jan 22, 2012 23:37

I'm complaining on FB about nobody using LJ any more, so I'd better post.

*twiddles thumbs* ...

Erm.  Yes. Well.

Ok, so I don't exactly have much to post about. But it's going up anyway, because then I can say I still use LJ.

So nyaahhh  *raspberry*

Oh, I did go and see Sherlock Holmes 2 (again) with fubarkibble and M. on Friday, which was a lot of fun :)

I'm afraid BBC Sherlock has completely spoiled me for other Holmeses (what the hell is the plural for Holmes?)  for now though.  The last episode of season 3 was... all the things.  Cumberbatch and Freeman (and Gatiss and Moffat and the rest of course) turned all the emotional dials right up to 11 for that one, and have broken the corner of my heart reserved for fandom into teeny tiny (sad army doctor shaped) pieces.  <3  Have to wait a whole YEAR, maybe more, for the next one. It had better not be three, I'm not as patient as Dr Watson :p

Right, so basically a completely pointless post, and then some fandom.  Yup.  That about sums it up.  Going to bed.

Oh, before I do, have this version of "Sinnerman" by Nina Simone (1965). It was used during the "preparing for court" montage in episode 3 of Sherlock  (the soundtrack for this entire season has been great. Just saying), and it's currently spending a lot of time in my playlist. The percussion is amazing, and so is Nina <3  :)

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