So, posting without any particular reason... yay!
I've actually missed the urge to post to LJ and ramble, I was beginning to wonder if facebook had killed it entirely. The little updates I make during the day, and the ridiculous amounts of time I spend playing games that, really, have absolutely no value as far as "fun" goes, it's enough to
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I can't say exactly what it is about Mw that I like, I just know that it's been the most engaging and immersive game I've ever played. (And this was playing it back when it had recently been released as "Game of the Year", in around 2005? 2007? I forget. With the "Tribunal" and "Bloodmoon" expansions, which provided official patches, but no mods, and frequent crashes to desktop!)
It's not always the prettiest thing to look at, some of the game mechanics are, frankly, broken (if you get your acrobatics skill up high enough you can literally "leap tall buildings", and in fact entire cities, which I'm sure they never intended :p) but somehow it managed to make more of an impression on me than any game since.
It's certainly been the only game I've EVER sat and played for around 18 hours straight, and then wondered where the day went!
Even if you've never played a first person role playing game before, and if wandering around doing quests and hacking and slashing at creatures has never appealed to you, I would still recommend trying Morrowind, but I would also recommend you googled "Morrowind mods" and installed (with the help of the readme files) the current versions of the "Morrowind patch project" and the "morrowind code patch" because as much as I loved the game out of the box? I loved it even more when it didn't crash after 3 hours of unsaved gameplay through difficult territory :p
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