
Jul 29, 2008 12:06

Ha, we had an earthquake today (only the 2nd one I've felt since I moved here).  It was a 5.8 and happened around 11:42am.  Since I'm working from  home today (the sandbox was closed for a tutorial in GIS), I was in the shower.  It was weird.  At first I didn't know what was happening, maybe a big truck coming down our way (I live right off the 2 and Barrington is a busy ass road).  But then I noticed the wall was moving.  It didn't last long, but long enough I realized what was happening.  I guess the center was in Chino Hills, which isn't super far away and that it was felt as far south as San Diego and as far east as Vegas!  Nothing fell off my shelves, one lotion fell over and knocked some stuff on my dresser around, but otherwise nothing.  Hopefully this isn't a sign of bigger activity to come.  Whenever the last one was (sometime in Feb or March?) the people on the news kept scaring people in Los Angeles saying a big one was due soon, etc.  I forget when the last big one was, the Simpsons commentarys talk about it, season 7 or 8 because I remember it was Josh Weinstein and Bill Oakley who showed up for work that Monday for the writers meeting, which was obviously cancelled because a lot of buildings were off limits for damage and repair.  Who knows.  It was kinda cool and kinda scary.  I mean, I've felt earthquakes in NY too, but those will never be big ones... Out here, on ne sait jamais!
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