I'm so bored.
I arrived in Perth yesterday morning feeling like a zombie. The long flight was too long, remind me to never ever use that airline again (seats were too small, headrest was just horrible), and when I reached Kor's place, I crashed on the bed. I didn't even wished Kor goodbye when he went to work, and didn't even meet his housemates. Joyce was waiting for me online, but when I finally get to talk to her in the afternoon (after I woke up and she woke up), she laughed her head off and called me stupid. What is wrong with LJ, why wouldn't it fit under one cut zzz.
VS Arashi last night was hilarious! Haruna Ai has got to be the most awesome plus one guest ever! She was so excited to see arashi and mukai osamu, and, well... it was too cute. And she went and hugged mukai and everyone could see he was amused when he hugged her back. And when she waved at mukai, he did that two-hands-tiny-wave back. TOO cute. Then even before Ohno finished the title call for the cliff climb she was already clapping. SO EXTREMELY CUTE.
Cliff climb was epic. It deserves a post. Matsujun was really good (as usual) but the part where he was at the top and debating whether to go back down to hit the 10 point button was the most hilarious thing ever. And he was looking over at the rest of the members for help and they were of no help and just pointing at the button while Sho was frantically gesturing at him to hit the top button and get down. OMG, epic. And Sho. OMG SHO. Aiba dared him to go barefoot and he took off his shoes and Itou-san made him wear them back! The expression on his face was priceless. There was even an insert scene for him to wear his shoes and socks. It couldn't get any more hilarious. But then he started the cliff climb, and he was fumbling around the grips and the rest of arashi was laughing at him (Ohno was laughing so hard he couldn't stand properly xD). Then he didn't manage to get the 30 point button, or reach the top. And when the members were asking them what happened, what happened (Nino was going J this and J that xD) and Sho was laughing then Aiba went at Sho "You too! Do you understand?" Since when did Aiba started bullying the rest of arashi (can't help noticing this after his 'SEIZA!' at Jun). And Sho started laughing. OMG, I haven't laughed so much in ages. Ah, it was epic.