so it's been a week since my parents leave me home alone. yeah, while i'm facing final exam, they went to Oman visit my Sis. oh great.
actually next year would be my turn to go there, but... *checking schedule* oh. guess i cant make it, another final exam!
yappari, i'm not good being anak kos. because i cant stand being alone.
on the first day they left, i looked like a zombie. or maybe like someone who just got dumped. but afterward, i found a recipe book for 30 days! perfect!
i still have 2 papers and 1 exam left. still have no idea about the paper. arggh. what kind of thing should i write about Global Communication, culture imperialism, or media imperialism? i wanna write about japanese influence to indonesian people, specifically about Johnny's. about their brilliant strategy to reach the consumer (publishing their own magz containing the Johnny's photos, making tv programme for each group, CM, radio programme). but i'm confused about the source. anyone knows about this?