Oct 11, 2004 14:30
Okay once again it's been far too long since I sat down and talked about all the amazingly interesting things that have gone on.
Well a couple of Fridays ago the band had to go play for the President down at McIntyre. This was the beginning of a very band-filled weekend. It was nice because we got to miss all of school (except for mod A and C, but it didn't really count), but a lot of people were really pissed off about having to 'support' the president. While I can understand where they're coming from, sitting there whining like a little bitch didn't help anything, and just put them in a bad mood. Anyways, sometime around mod E we all boarded the buses with our uniforms, and took the short trip down to McIntyre. There were a LOT of people there, including this pathetic little group of protesters at the entrance standing there with signs. Now, most people know I don't support Bush, but if you ask me standing there with sign containing witty messages and saying chants isn't going to do anything. Why? Well for one thing, EVERYONE THERE ALREADY SUPPORTS BUSH. I mean, Christ, they PAID money to get in. Plus, protesters aren't shocking anymore. They're EXPECTED.
Anyways, after going through metal detectors we all got into the event, and went and sat down for a while. Over the course of some time we played a bunch of stand charts, and did our show. Nothing special really. Eventually the show started, guests started speaking, exalting our wonderful president and the like. The whole place had some pretty tight security. There was snipers on the tops of trailers, and FBI guys all around, it was neat. At some point the man himself, Bush, arrived, and did gave his schpeil for an hour or so. It was pretty creepy being surrounded by all these people holding BUSH/CHENEY signs chanting FOUR MORE YEARS repeatedly, and eating up everything he said. When he said 'This is BUSH COUNTRY' a chill went down my spine. I wonder if the people in the crowds noticed that most of the band members were turned away, or covering their ears, or just looking completely disgusted by having to be there. Some people were a little extreme and said some unkind things to the people in the audience, but I figured it was best to just sit there, listen to what he had to say, and wait to leave. I think a lot of people need to realize that there will always be people with differing opinions than you. That doesn't make them bad people, and it's retarded to get mad about something like that.
After the event was over, people started leaving, and the band had to go hang around at Smyth until the buses arrived. When they did, we got on them and headed back to Central, where we got pizza and drinks provided for us by the Bush campaign. I thought that was a nice gesture, even if they are stinking rich and such a gesture really didn't tax them at all. Plus the pizza was crap, but by then I was incredibly hungry and didn't care. So we hung around eating and having a good time, then boarded the buses to go back to GIL for the first time in two years for a football game versus Trinity. We got there and set up, and man was it a good time. Being back there was such an amazing feeling. It felt like freshman year again, all of the people on the snare were the same people on snare our freshman year, we were back playing snare in a place we hadn't played snare at since freshman year, and we were seniors. It was just awesome, almost euphoric. I had forgotten how amazingly loud the band is when you stand there facing them while playing stand charts. My ears were ringing hours after I had gotten home, but it was great. And our team utterly crushed the opposition 68-8.
When it was all over and done with we came back to Central, got changed, and I got a ride home from Nick. Feel asleep pretty quickly after I got home, if I remember right, because I was just so tired. The next morning I woke up bright and early and went to the library for another fun-filled, AKA amazingly slow, day. Very little to do there, got a lot of reading done in The Stand, my current free reading book. To go off on a tangent for a second, I'll just say that the book is pretty damn cool. A very engrossing read. I've always been a fan of post-apocalyptic works, and King is very good. Plus it's just a long book that you really do feel that a gigantic change has happened. I mean, you can't eliminate the world's population in a hundred pages, these things take time. Anyways, so work was uneventful. I believe it was this Saturday that I went to see Shaun of the Dead up in Methuen (which, apparently, is in Massachusetts) with Erin. Shaun was a very refreshing, very British comedy. I would recommend people go see it.
Okay that brings us up to the last week, and I'm trying to remember what happened, besides lots of unexciting school stuff, and working at the library. I convinced a bunch of people to vote me for Life of the Party for Senior Superlatives, if I win that I'm going to laugh really hard. I got a new computer chair, which is really awesome. It has a high back, nice lumbar support, and swivels and spins. :) Hopefully it will help decrease the aching backpains I have, which seem to be increasing lately. Anyways, Wednesday was an early release, which of course was good. I got out at 12, and had work at 3. Three hours to hang around in the music deptartment, oh joy! Which actually was fun, minus the fact that I forgot my book at home so I had nothing to do. But I did get all my homework done, and then sat around in stack for the better part of an hour, being tremendously bored. But when I got home I had no homework to do, so got to read The Stand a lot. I'm about a third of the way through it right now, I think. Thursday I went to the Student Year meeting at the PAL center, which went well. We only had five kids there, but we'll grow again I'm sure. They're being nice and having meetings on Thursday so I can be there, which is awesome. After that I went to the Kid's Cafe with Nick, again. I think they might actually remember my name now. We played hacky sack in the lunch room beforehand, then the kids came in. I got this group of ghetto girls, most of whom I wanted to hit. I'm so great with kids. Friday I went and hung out at Tom's house with Nick, Ryan, Zach, and Tom. We watched the end of the Sox game, then went downstairs and played a lot of pool. Many Nobel peace prizes were won, and Zach was endlessly made fun of for being a pedophile *cracks up*. When we were done we headed over to Zach's house, where Nick and I watched the debates with Zach's parents and some of their friends while Zach sat at his laptop.
The debates this time were very interesting. We came in after the first 20 minutes or so had already gone by, but I'd say that I got to see all the important bits. Obviously, my opinion of the debates are going to be biased since I already know if I could vote I'd vote for Kerry, but I really do think that Kerry looked and spoke better. Sure, they both dodged questions, but that's expected by politicians. However, I think Kerry is oftentimes just a better actor, which is really what these candidates are a lot of the time. He does sound rehersed in the way Bush so often does, like when you can tell he's simply rattling off items that he's memorized from a list. Whether that makes him a better candidate is anyone's call, but he pulls it off better. Now, what really ticked me off was the people watching it with us, and how they'd keep cracking jokes and saying stupid insults about Bush every time he'd say something. If you're going to watch a debate, keep your mind open, and just watch it. Whining about how dumb our president is doesn't solve a thing, so shut up. By the end I really wanted to slap those people, Christ. I kinda flipped out on the ride home and ranted about that, and it felt really good. Nothing like getting out some anger, and Nick agreed with me so that's good.
Saturday I woke up, got dressed, then went up to my grandmother's camp for a night with the youth group. When we got there around 12 it was just Bryce, Will, Alise, and I. We hung around and waited for other people to show, and eventually they did. We had a good turn out, I'd say. 16 people I believe. In the beginning I was in a really bad mood for some reason, I was just pissy and was paranoid about people breaking stuff, which sucked. But after I got some food I was better. All in all, it was a really good time. I played cards (Egyptian Rat Fuck was the name, apparently) with Cindy, Emily and Steve. Tried to play rummy but failed. Lost at pool a lot, even more so at ping pong. We all walked down to the store (4 mile roundtrip) which was a lot of fun, I got the precious Cape Cod potato chips that I was dying for (they taste SO GOOD). For dinner we had hotdogs and really good chile Alex's mom made. Later that night we walked down to the baseball field, the walk was even better because it was so dark. We are like an army. Tried to play some hacky sack under the street light, which didn't work out too well, and swung on the swing sets. When we got back I sat talking with Bryce, Chris, and Catherine some. The last thing I remember is lying on the couch listening to all the crap Joe and Sue and going through, then going downstairs and nabbing the fold out couch to sleep on. In the morning we cleaned up the two houses very quickly, and had coffee cake and oatmeal for breakfast. People started heading out not long after that, and soon enough Bryce, my dad, and I headed home as well.
After I had gotten home I took a badly needed shower, and sat around reading. Later that night I went over to Erin's and watch Yellow Submarine along with Josh and Beth. The movie was really, really trippy, but cool. Would have been better had we all been stoned, I'm sure, but what can you do. After the movie we played cards, Spoons and Rummy, and then went home. It dawned on me fully then that I didn't have school Monday, and I was very happy. Then I went to sleep early, and all was good. Today I woke up and didn't do much of anything. Drank a liter of Moxie, ate chips and salsa for breakfast, and read a good amount in my book. I have homework but I'm not doing it yet. Right now I'm considering eating that bag of chips I bought at the store, and watching Red Dwarf or something. Tomorrow is going to be a joke as far as school goes, but work is going to suck. I haven't been in since Wedesnday, which means there's going to be a SHITLOAD of work to do. Not only will have 6 days of fiction to shelve, but we had Monday off so there's going to be a huge drop. Oh boy, I can't wait :D. But no school Wednesday for me! Wahaha. Then on Saturday is Nick's "surprise" birthday party (planned by him, heh), which is something to look forward to. Life is good, I feel like smiling. Woo! :D