Nieliqui: *tug* Want a glass of water.
Halbarad: Oh? Well, I suppose we shall have to get you one!
Nieliqui: Yay! ...Where is your shirt?
Halbarad: Erm. *eyedart*
Nieliqui: *trying to see past you into the courtyard* I bet you left it out there.
Halbarad: Yes...yes I believe you're right. One moment. *ducks back outside and grabs a random shirt on the ground--Eomer's, Gorlim's, mine, it doesn't matter--and puts it on* Right. Water. *offering a hand*
Nieliqui: *taking your hand, trying not to giggle* It's okay. I've seen parties before. I lived with Irmo an' Este for months an' months, once.
Halbarad: *goes a little pale* Oh dear...*leads you to the kitchens*
Nieliqui: *frowning* People keep saying that...Irmo an' Este are very nice!
Halbarad: *nearly chokes* I'm sure they are. *rumaging in the cabinets for a child-sized glass when we reach the kitchen* I have never met them, only heard stories.
Nieliqui: *hopping up on the counter, drumming my heels against a storage cabinet* I guess it's weird, then. Having me here.
Halbarad: How do you mean? *finally finding an appropriately-sized glass and taking it down*
Nieliqui: If Valar are just stories. *tilting my head* But you've got Maiar here. I can feel 'em.
Halbarad: We do. There is our king Eomer, and his wife Luthien, and sometimes Jade drops by. Haldir and Faramir used to live here. *gets some cold water from the pump and hands you the glass, taking a seat on a table across from you* I like having you here. I think I met Mandos once, when I was dead, but that was on business. I've never had a Vala for a friend.
Nieliqui: *I take a deep draught, then regard you owlishly over the rim of the glass* Friend? Really? I've been trying really hard not to break anything...
Halbarad: *laughs* And you've done very well! That is a good thing, because the king can be -very- cranky. *I tell you this as if confiding a great secret.*
Nieliqui: *carelessly, thumping my heels again* He's just a maia. But this is HIS place, so I guess he's kinda strong. I dunno.
Halbarad: Well, he has lots of help here, too.
Nieliqui: Well, he's got HER...I like her. She sings pretty. Gorlim hasn't sung for me yet.
Halbarad: He hasn't? I'll ask him to sing for you in the morning then. *Right now, he's too drunk to sing anything decent for young ears.*
Nieliqui: Promise?
Halbarad: Promise. Do you need anything else while we are in the kitchens?
Nieliqui: *hopefully* Cookies?
Halbarad: Cookies? Hmm. I suppose there might be some. Help me look?
Nieliqui: Sure! *jumping down and vanishing into the pantry* Hey, there's dead rabbits in here! I can get one for your wolf if you want...
Halbarad: *laughs* He would like that, but let's leave it there until we can take it outside to him.
Nieliqui: Okay. *pokes head out* No cookies. Does your wolf keep you safe?
Halbarad: *looking back at you from where I'm poking around another cabinet* He tries to. Unfortunately that means he sometimes gets hurt.
Nieliqui: Oh. *looks quietly through a cupboard for a moment* You're sorta like a guard, right?
Halbarad: Sort of. I used to be a guard in charge of guards. Right now...I don't really know. Ah hah! Cookies. *emerges triumphant with a cookie jar in hand*
Nieliqui: Yay! Gimme! *conscientiously* Please.
Halbarad: *grins and produces two cookies for you*
Nieliqui: Thank you. *takes, devours one whole* But you still guard things, right?
Halbarad: Of course. I guard my friends and my wife--though she will tell you she does not need a guard--and my wolf and this kingdom.
Nieliqui: The whole thing? Wow. Isn't that hard without powers or anything? How do you do it?
Nieliqui: And I like your wife. She told me a story.
Nieliqui: Did you know she's gonna have a baby?
Nieliqui: *mercifully quiets to eat the other cookie*
Halbarad: *reels from the barrage of statements and questions* I go where my friends tell me I am needed, or to places where my Rangers ask for me. It is very hard. And yes, I know that Nadiyah is going to have a baby. I am glad that you like her. I bet she likes you.
Nieliqui: I hope so. I like her language. It's prettier than yours. It made the story sound better. *retrieving my half-glass of water, looking thoughtful* I wish I could help.
Halbarad: Her language is very pretty. I enjoy hearing her speak it. *tilts head, curious* Wish you could help with what?
Nieliqui: Help you keep everyone safe. It's gotta be hard for a mortal.
Halbarad: It is hard, but it needs to be done, and I am happy to do it.
Nieliqui: You sound like Tulkas, a long time ago. And he was always tired. *frowning now, obviously unhappy*
Halbarad: *frowns as well, put a little off balance by being compared to the strongest Vala* I am not -always- tired...
Nieliqui: But I bet you are a lot. Does your wolf help?
Halbarad: *shifts uneasily* Well, yes...Mithrhovan keeps my company, and he keeps me warm if I have to sleep away from home.
Nieliqui: He's a good wolf. And you have good friends. And a nice wife. I think you're a good protector. *setting my empty glass on the sink and reaching up to be carried* Can I go to the party now?
Halbarad: *gnawing my lip, and then deciding that I am certainly not the one to tell a Vala child no and we will behave ourselves if you are present, I scoop you up* Thank you, Nieliqui. If the others have not had too much to drink, I think you can come join us, yes.
Nieliqui: Yay! *properly* I mean, um, thank you. Can I give you something?
Halbarad: If you wish.
Nieliqui: *you get one warm cookie-crumbed kiss on your cheek, and a moment of vertigo so strong you're not sure which way is up* I'll be good at the party. I promise.
Halbarad: *catching myself as I stumble a bit* It's not you I'm worried about.
Nieliqui: *giggle* You don't need to protect ME!
Halbarad: No, I imagine you can take care of yourself. *re-entering the courtyard and looking for Nadiyah before putting you down*