Music meme!

May 27, 2010 01:00

Snagged from euclase, of course :) Because she always has the best meme's. Cut for length, and oh, I'm a total geek. I listen to Tchaikovsky more than any other music-related person. I'm sorry there are few bands on here :P

1. the song you're listening to right now
Perry Como - Papa Loves Mambo

2. your favorite song
Lift Me by Madrugada and Ane Brun. I think. It varies.

3. your all time favorite band
The Pogues or Creedence. I can't decide!

4. your newly discovered band
ABBA (seriously, I didn't even like them until I turned 21 or something.)

5. your favorite female voice
Jolie Holland.

6. your favorite male voice
In this order: Alan Rickman, Rikard Wolff, Tim Curry

7. music type or genre you tend to listen to the most
Classical, most specifically romantic Russian music ^^

8. music type or genre you try to avoid
Techno and whatever's on the hit lists

9. favorite song for a boost
The Lion Sleeps Tonight by The Tokens.

10. favorite song that calms you down
The Prayer

11. most hated band
So many I can't decide. Black Eyed Peas, perhaps?

12. musician or band you wish the world would love as much as you do
Tom Lehrer! Sadly, a lot of people don't get his jokes. That's just embarrassing.

13. musician or band you hope nobody ever loves as much as you do
Rikard Wolff, so I get to be special and introduce all my friends to his music.

14. your favorite music video
I do not like music videos. So there.

15. can you play a musical instrument?
Two well enough (French horn and piano) and three badly (penny whistle, zither and accordion)

16. can you sing?
Yes, but only a shaky tenor.

17. have you ever been in a band?
Yes, for one day, and it kicked ass. We were called "Der Satanistische Kriminalpolizei" and we only did it to scare the shit out of younger students.

18. the last song you heard on the radio
Nothing Compares to You

19. favorite piece of classical music
The 1812 Overture, though it wins by a thread. Vogliatemi bene is also soul-wrenchingly beautiful. And a lot of others, too.

20. what do you think of country music?
I usually like it; it's amusing. And corny.

21. what do you think of rap music?
I don't mind if other people listen to it, as long as they don't do it in my house.

22. what do you think of death metal?
I'm sorry, I just can't relate to music that's got more "ROAAAWR BASS DRUMS!" than melody.

23. most underrated band or musician ever?
Cole Porter, for one. And Creedence Clearwater Revival! Not enough people listen to Creedence.

24. if you were a musical instrument, what would you be?
A tuba. Lots of depth and lots of bulk, and I'd still only get to play the boring parts.

25. have you met any famous musicians?
Only local bands, I'm afraid. I don't suppose Norway's best concert band counts? Or that my grandfather was something of a name in the church- and classical music circles in his day?

27. song that best describes your personality
On an emo day: She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5. On a good day: Play, My Darling by Katzenjammer.

28. song you'd like to be played at your funeral
Abide With Me, because then everybody would cry because of how beautiful the music was and not because I was dead.

29. favorite soundtrack
The Prince of Egypt, which makes me cry with its awesomeness.

30. any musician pet hates?
How famous people often make crappy songs that they actually earn money off, just because they're famous for doing something else.

31. what bands do your parents listen to?
ABBA, if anything. I don't think they've even got any modern music CDs. Maybe a little Frank Sinatra and Elvis on a good day.

32. what band t-shirt do you (or would you) wear?
I have a Flogging Molly shirt, and I'm very happy about it. I'd like a Tchaikovsky shirt, though. And Creedence!

33. how many songs do you have on your computer?
O mai. The answer - at the moment - is 2272. And I could get some more on there ^^

34. what was the last album you bought?
Classic Bruce Willis and Ella Fitzgerald sings Cole Porter, just ordered off Amazon ^^

35. name the top five most played songs on your itunes or windows player
Your Personal Penguin (Davy Jones)
Minor Swing (Django Reinhardt)
Oh By Jingo (Danny Kaye)
Duelling Banjos (Deerlick Holler Boys)
Gay Boyfriend (The Hazzards)

This surprised even me. Wow.

36. what song makes you want to grab a hairbrush and sing along?
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by the Proclaimers

37. what song makes you want to drop everything and dance?
Hey Boy by Teddybears Stockholm. I don't know why I like this song; it's so not me. But I do!

38. favorite tv theme song

I'm going to go right ahead and post it here:

image Click to view

It makes me jump up and down in my chair, but that could be expectation and elation at watching the show. Whatevs ^^

39. favorite song when you were a kid
My Heart Will Go On, and can someone please lobotomize me now?

40. favorite album cover or album art
... I don't actually look at the covers. I listen to the CDs.

41. prettiest band
Blonde From Fargo. Because they have Peter Stormare!

42. prettiest musician
Marlene Dietrich and Tim Curry

43. ugliest band
TurboNegro. Blech!

44. ugliest musician
No answer

45. your favorite kick ass rock song
Paradise City

46. favorite michael jackson song
Probably Bad. I was never much of a Jacko fan.

47. favorite beatles song
All You Need is Love, like everybody else ^^

48. favorite rolling stones song
Sympathy For the Devil

49. favorite musical and/or song from a musical
Phantom of the Opera holds my girlish heart in thrall. But nothing gets better than Tim Curry doing Sweet Transvestite so... yeah.

50. a song you'd totally rock on karaoke night
Old Fashioned Morphine by Jolie Holland or All That Jazz.

Please to be reposting and letting me read ^^

music, meme

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