I'll Jingle Your Bells ficathon Info Post

Nov 18, 2013 15:40

I asked a month or so ago and people seemed interested in seeing this again, so here's the kick-off post. Below, you'll find the schedule and guidelines. All comments here should be questions, comments or suggestions.

For those who don't know, I'll Jingle Your Bells ficathon, is, at heart, a porn challenge. More details below. I do want it noted that my journal is a friendly, safe place, so anyone caught trolling or being a jerk will be kicked out.

November 26: Sign-up and prompts post will go up.
December 1: Start writing. Masterlist will go up.
December 31: Deadline for submission.


1. You can start writing as of December 1st. To 'win', you need to post at least one prompt. The point of the challenge is to write something at least a half step past your current comfort zone. When you sign-up, you'll be able to give prompters an idea of what kind of prompts you're looking for.

2. At least one fic is due by December 31st, midnight your local time.

3. Fic needs to be at least 100 words long, but has no upper limit.

4. Holiday themes (for fics and prompts) are optional but encouraged.

5. Please try and prompt everyone who signs up. General prompts are welcome, but try for specific if you know the person's work.

6. You can post wherever you want, but to get credit, you'll need to post at least a link in the Masterlist.

7. IMPORTANT: Make sure all posts contain a clear rating and any possible triggers/warnings you think might be needed. The last thing I want is anyone to read something that makes them uncomfortable without knowing what they were getting in to. If you are posting to your personal journal, a cut might be a good idea.

Please pass this along to others who might be interested! All of these posts will be open for anyone to see.

Once again, thanks to Jess/mzyra for the ficathon title.

ficathon, writing challenge, writing

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