NIEE Primer

Nov 16, 2010 17:45

Basically plot synopsis and character list :)

NIEE is told in a story within a story format, in both first and third person depending on the situation. Yeah, formatting is a little complicated but it shouldn’t impede reading, especially in the small snippets/prompt response. :)

Jasmine of Lockholme stops an assassin and next she knows, she is marked for death herself. Rescued by a group that called themselves the “Freedom Fighters,” she finds herself at the center of an all-out war for Tira. It doesn’t take her long to realize that, despite the odds against them, Beau and the rest of the Freedom Fighters are determined to win. But the new rulers, a set of siblings scornfully called ‘The Three,’ are just as determined not to give the throne back up without a fight.

Jasmine, now better known as Jez, looks back on the previous few years of events from prison, where she and her friend, Jay, are waiting to be executed. They have been put in a cell with a set of half-siblings, who are there because their older brother was part of the Freedom Fighters and got caught. To keep ten-year-old David’s mind off the impending execution, Jez decides to tell the story of how they all got there, while hoping their friends will come through with a daring rescue.

Greensward Prison:
Jasmine “Jez” Lockholme - main character, the “I”, member of the Freedom Fighters
James “Jay” Dall - Jez’s best friend, member of the Freedom Fighters, younger brother of Bri
Stella Harper -younger than Jay and Jez, half-sister of Dave, did not know Jez and Jay before they end up in prison
David “Dave” Harper -half-brother of Stella, ten-year-old
Colonel Trigger Rees - head of prison where Jay, Jez, Stella and Dave are being held

Freedom Fighters:
Beau Highcastle - the captain (leader) of the Freedom Fighters, prince, younger brother to Ren, later Jez’s significant other
Jessica “Jess” Rider - best friend of Ry, Freedom Fighter
Rylia “Ry” Schid - best friend of Jess, Freedom Fighter, orphan, younger than others
Brighton “Bri” Dall - best friend originally of Jess, older brother to Jay, in a relationship with Jez
Dunkin Kramer - fellow Freedom Fighter and eventual friend of the group

“Bad Guys” aka The Three
Sorin Dakamar - half-brother to Ani and Vlad, ‘brains’ of the Three
Anica “Ani” Opalin - younger sister to Sorin and Vlad, loves Ren and is to be married to him
Vladimir “Vlad” Opalin - eldest of the Three, mastermind behind the entire plot
Renier “Ren” Highcastle - crown prince, captive of the Three

Smaller, incidental characters will be explained as they crop up in specific pieces either in text or in notes.

Note: Reposting this both to separate it from my RaTs directory and because I'm going to start working on NIEE in December :)

niee'verse, niee, writing

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